“You really expect me to believe that?”

“Yeah, because it’s the truth.”

“So you had no idea about Bruce?”

“Why would I know anything about him? I just came to pick up your drunk ass.”

I stare at him, waiting for any sign that he might be lying. Donny wouldn’t send Bruce for no reason, and then for Cole to randomly turn up when he did. I don’t buy it.

“You’re hiding something.”

Cole rolls his eyes before stepping away. “How about you just focus on what’s important.” He nods before turning away and jogging toward the locker rooms.

If he thinks reminding me that I should be focusing on Remi is going to make me forget whatever the hell is going on with him, then he needs to think again. She might be my most pressing issue right now, but my brothers’ welfare is important too. And I’m going to make damn sure they don’t end up dragged into some shit I’m not going to be able to get them out of.

I ignore the little voice in my head telling me to go straight to Remi’s house and instead head back to the pool house. With nothing better to do, I find myself some food since Ellen is nowhere to be seen and pull out my homework. It’s a novelty, that’s for sure, but I need to do something to pass the time that isn’t getting drunk or stoned.

Once again, Cole avoids the pool house, but after an hour or so Conner appears to hang out. We play Xbox and ignore any of the important conversations we should be having. I want to ask him if Remi was okay on the ride home, if she said anything, but I don’t. I can tell by the tense set of his shoulders that he has plenty he wants to say to me as well. For now though, I’m happy to remain in ignorant bliss. Plus, I have plans to find out for myself how Remi is.

Not ten minutes after Conner finally leaves do I pull my boots on and head out too. It feels like forever since I’ve been able to give Remi a little late-night visit, and my patience to be alone with her—and not in a bathroom—has just about run out.

Not wanting to waste any more time than necessary, I throw my leg over my bike and head off, parking a little way down her street so my arrival doesn’t alert either her or Sarah. I haven’t been face to face with Remi’s mom since that night and, to be honest, I can wait a little longer for that conversation.

It’s not until I’m standing at the back of her house that I realize my hopes of gaining easy entry to her bedroom were wishful thinking. Unlike the other times I’ve been here, her window is shut. Glancing through the downstairs windows, I don’t find any evidence that anyone is awake despite the fact that there are a couple of lights on. Common sense tells me that if she’s gone to the effort to shut her bedroom window, then the back door will also be locked. I try a couple of the windows before I get to it, to prove my suspicions correct.

I’m starting to think that I’m going to have to take drastic action if I want to get into the house when I try my luck on the back door. To my delight, when I push down on the handle it clicks open.

Oh, Princess. You’re going to have to try a little harder to keep me away.

The downstairs is in silence as I make my way through the kitchen and to the stairs. My heart thunders in my chest as I place my foot on the first step and it makes a loud clunking noise. Who’d have thought entry via the trellis and window would be the least conspicuous. I continue up, trying to be as light on my feet as possible. It’s not the first time I’ve broken into someone’s house, although back in the Heights I can confidently say that I was never doing it to beg a girl for forgiveness.

By the time I get to the top of the stairs, I’m almost convinced that Remi is going to open her door and catch me in the act, but to my surprise, it remains shut. All the other doors are open with the lights off, making me wonder if Sarah is even here.

I come to a stop outside her bedroom door. There was a soft glow coming from around her curtains when I was in the garden, leading me to think she’s awake, but it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve found Remi sleeping with the light on.

With my fingers tightly gripping the handle, I inhale a sharp breath. I’ve no idea what kind of mood she’s going to be in when I walk into her room. After the way she acted today, I can only imagine she’s going to be pretty fucking angry that I’m ignoring everything she’s said about leaving her alone.

Remi is forgetting something though.

It’s impossible.

Chapter Seven


I lie here, listening to the sound of my own heart beating. Shadows dance across the ceiling, chasing one another. It makes me think of Ace. Of the way he tried to take control today, to get me to relent.

He doesn’t get it.

He doesn’t understand how deep his betrayal hurt me.

How can he?

Ace has never let anyone close enough to hurt him.

There’s a creak out in the hall. It can’t be Mom, she’s out of town at a business meeting with James. She’d wanted to cancel, but I insisted she went. I couldn’t deal with any more of her fussing.

My eyes go to the window. I’d locked it right before I climbed into bed. The last thing I wanted was Ace showing up.