What if it’s him? I shake the thought from my head. Ace is a lot of things, but he isn’t stupid enough to break into my house.

Oh, who am I kidding? I throw the sheet back and quietly tiptoe out of bed. Everything seems quiet. My heart races as I press my ear to the door, trying to hear anything.

Or anyone.

I’m about to retreat to bed when the door handle rattles. Before he has a chance, I yank it open. “Why am I not surprised?” I grind out.

Guilt softens Ace’s expression. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, Princess.” He places his arm against the jamb, leaning down to look at me. “You really should keep your back door locked.”

I feel stripped bare under this piercing gaze. “This isn’t healthy.” I shake my head, taking a step back.

If I’m going to keep a clear head around Ace, I need space.

I need for him not to be looking at me with that puppy dog expression.

“I needed to see you.”

“What about what I need, huh? Have you ever stopped to think about that?”

“You and me, Remi, we’re inevitable.”

“Inevitable?” I scoff, hating the way his words affect me. Hating the way they unravel some of the steely determination inside me. “Is that what we’re calling it? You filmed us having sex. A sex tape, Ace. What part of that isn’t computing for you? The only inevitable thing about us is that I should have known you would break my heart.” Turning away from him, I force myself to swallow the building tears. But it’s so damn hard.

His big, tattooed arms slide around my waist, folding over my arms and hugging me tight. “I’m sorry, and if I could take it all back, I would. In a heartbeat. But I can’t lose you, Remi. You’re the first good thing in my life, and I’ll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust.”

“Anything?” I tilt my head to look up at him. He leans in, his lips hovering precariously close to mine.

“Why do I get the impression you’re after more than just make up sex?”

I jab him in the ribs and he falls back, grunting in pain. “Too soon?” he stutters.

I spin around, cutting him with a dark look. “That will never be a joke to me.” Tears sting my eyes.

“Shit, baby, I was joking.”

“Well, don’t. I trusted you with...” The words get stuck in my throat and Ace rushes over to me, wrapping me in his arms again.

“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking

sorry. And you’re right, the way I feel about you isn’t healthy. At first, you just got under my skin. I kept telling myself it would be a bit of fun, but as time went on, you buried yourself deeper until you finally reached my black fucking soul.”

It’s the most real thing Ace has ever said to me.

I crave his words like I crave his touch.

I’m not sure I’ll ever stop.

Because he’s not the only one with unhealthy feelings here.

“You make me so fucking insane,” I admit, clutching his black sleeveless hoodie between my fingers.

Ace lowers his head to touch mine. “The feeling is entirely mutual. Can we fool around now? I’ve missed you.” He grins, but there’s no missing the sadness in his eyes. “I’ve missed you so fucking much.” Ace’s voice cracks with emotion, but I can’t just roll over. I won’t.

I need answers first.

I need to know the truth.

I slide my hands up his chest, batting my eyelids. “If we’re going to do this again, and I mean it Ace...” I lick my lips, power coursing through my veins as his eyes drop to my mouth. “You have to go at my speed... and I need to know everything. Every single fucking thing.”