I shake my head, wiping my eyes with the back of my blazer sleeve. “I need to get out of here.”

“Come on,” he says. “I’ll drive you home.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


I put that look in her eyes. I fucking hate it. I stupidly thought she’d trust me to do what I need to do and not ask any questions.

How fucking delusional was I?

I throw open the pool house door and storm inside, throwing my bag across the room with a crash and plowing my fist into the wall. Only unlike the trailer I’m used to, it doesn’t give. Instead, my knuckles ricochet as pain shoots up my arm.

“Motherfucker.” I shake it out, knowing that it’s the least of what I deserve. I might not have touched that bitch last night, not intentionally anyway, but I deserve a world of pain for even looking at her naked body.

I shudder as I remember her sitting there with her hands bound behind her back. She’d fucking loved it and was quite obviously up for anything.

That bitch is going to get herself into some serious trouble if she’s willing to let the likes of me tie her to a chair without any concern. What I’ve got planned for her is child’s play compared to what some guys I know would do to her.

I glance to my bedroom, my mind conjuring up the image of her sitting there, her nipples hard and her pussy slick for me. She thought she looked hot as shit, it was there in the confident tilt of her chin as I stared at her. She thought I was getting off on her being at my mercy.

Fucking stupid bitch.

How she could ever truly believe that I’d want her over Remi is beyond me. She’s nothing but an evil whore. She basically admitted it to me as well, with the way she talked shit about the people who are meant to be her closest friends. She didn’t even bat an eyelid to tell me everything she really thought about her squad members and the football team. It was like she knew exactly what I wanted and laid it all out for me, ripe for the taking.

Ignoring the beer I know is in my refrigerator, I reach for the bottle of scotch I’d left on the side that I swiped from the house a few days ago.

James has been away again on business—so much for caring about the shitshow he caused here, because he’s not even scratched the surface of sorting shit out with Cole yet. He’s still acting like a man possessed, ready to explode without a moment's notice.

My fists clench with my need to make everything right for those I love, but I’m unable to do so. That’s what I’m trying to do for Remi—get her the justice that she deserves. But in doing so, all I’ve done is end up hurting her more.

Twisting the cap, I throw it down onto the counter before lifting the bottle to my lips. The first mouthful burns, but it’s exactly what I need. I’ve been in a bitch of a mood since my first interaction with Remi this morning, so much so that Gunner didn’t even bother asking what was up during my shift tonight.

He gave me a job and thankfully left me to take my frustrations out on the engine I was attempting to fix up.

I’m just about to swallow another shot of scotch when the door slams behind me. Before I have a chance to turn around, fingers wrap around my upper arm and I’m thrown back into the wall.

The bottle falls from my hand, smashing when it hits the tiled floor. “Fucking hell, bro. Was that necessary?” I ask, but when I look up into the murderously cold eyes of my youngest brother, my words falter.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he roars, his fist connecting with my cheek.

My head snaps to the side with his force.

“You are you so intent on fucking everything up. Why?” Cole bellows. “She’s done nothing but support you.” Crack. “Nothing but fight for you.” Crack. “And all you do is fuck her over.” Crack. “Why?” His fist tightens in my shirt, pinning me to the wall.

Blood trickles down my face from his hits, but I don’t move to retaliate. I deserve every hit and then some.

“Fucking hell, Cole,” Conner barks, racing into the pool house and wrapping his arm around Cole’s shoulder to pull him back. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Teaching this motherfucker a lesson.”

“Why? What’s he done now?”

“He’s cheating on Remi.”

“You’re fucking what?” Conner roars.

“No, I’m not,” I bark at the same time Cole announces, “with Michaela.”