“Nah,” Conner shakes his head. “There’s no fucking way Ace would touch that piece of shit. W-Would you?” he asks me, his eyes wide as if he’s begging me to say no.

“No, of course I fucking wouldn’t. I’m not fucking cheating on Remi, and I’m certainly not fucking the fake cheer bitch.”

“So what the fuck is going on? Why is Michaela telling Remi that you did just that last night?”

“Fuck.” I roll my eyes at the two of them as they stand with their arms across their chests, waiting for my confession. “I’m taking her down, okay? She’s hurt Remi for long enough. It’s time she got what’s coming to her.”

“And letting Remi think you’re fucking her helps with this how?”

“She’s not meant to think that. She’s meant to trust me to know what I’m doing.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, Ace,” Conner barks, his hands going to his hair. “Do you know nothing about women?”

“No, I don’t give a shit about women. All I care about is her, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to hurt those who try to ruin her life on a daily basis.”

“Even if it means hurting her in the process?”

“Well, if she trus—”

“Don’t talk shit, Ace. You can’t tell any girl to trust you and then have it look like you’re fucking her archenemy behind her back. It doesn’t fucking work. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it’s usually a fucking duck.”

“I’m not fucking her,” I cry for what feels like the millionth time.

“You know that. We know that. But Remi doesn’t, and she’s the only one who fucking matters,” Conner seethes while Cole stares daggers into me.

“You’ve gotta trust me. Just for a few days. I know what I’m doing.”

“Really? I beg to fucking differ, bro.”

“Whatever,” I mutter, turning my back on them and going to clean up my face, hoping they’ll both fuck off as fast as they appeared.

When I emerge, they’ve both made themselves comfortable on the couch and beanbag like they own the place, drinking my beers. The room stinks of the scotch that’s still in a glass-filled puddle on the floor where it fell.

“Make your fucking selves at home, why don’t you,” I mutter, walking past the pair of them.

“Tu casa es mi casa,” Conner says in a terrible Spanish accent. “What?” he barks when we both stare at him like he’s a fucking moron. “I listen in class.”

“Where the fuck are you going?” Cole asks when I move toward the door.

“Going to see her.”

“For fuck’s sake, just give her some space. She can’t hate you if you’re always in her face.”

“Good. I’m going.”

“I didn’t mean that as encouragement, asshole.”

I flip him off over my shoulder and leave the pool house. I’m not allowing her to sit at home and fester on all of this. Not when I’ve not done anything wrong. Well, not really.

It’s still light out, so instead of going around to the back of the house and attempting her window, I walk up to the front door and ring the bell. The last thing I need is for Sarah to discover my secret entry and put an end to it.

“Ace, this is a nice surprise,” she says with a smile as she pulls the door open.

“Hi, Sarah. Any chance I could see Remi?”

“I’m sorry, sweetie. She’s in her room feeling unwell. I think she’s asleep.”