But they were the same words I had for them, as well.

“I love—”

Before I could finish, their orgasms had already started, triggered perhaps by their own admissions. Together they began pulsing violently inside me. The two of them, side by side, thumping over and over as they cursed and groaned and shot themselves inside me, clutching me tightly against them as they filled me with their cream.


It was a moment I would never have to remind myself of, because it emblazoned itself as a permanent imprint of the pinnacle ofeverything. It took forever to come back down from the cloud we were floating on. And that was just fine by me, because I knew in my heart we were about as close to heaven as any three people ever got.

Collapsing sideways into the couch, Elliot wrapped his body around me. It felt like my heart was yanking itself out of my chest! If I died now though, I wouldn’t complain. I couldn’t say a word about anything.

“Are… you guys… getting hungry?”

The question was absurd. Lunch at the museum was a million years ago, and we’d been screwing off and on for almost an hour and half past when we’d first wanted to eat dinner.

“I’ve got an idea,” Aiden smiled exhaustedly.

All eyes fell on him. Mine especially, because after what we’d just said to each other, I was seeing the boys in an all new light now.

“First we’re going to tag-team that shower,” said Aiden. “And after that we’re going to double up on someseriousroom service.”

“Amen to that!” I somehow managed to gasp.

“Then we’re going to tag-teamyouagain,” Elliot growled into my ear from behind. I could feel his hard body again, spooning its way tightly against me. His hot mouth was so close to my ear I was getting the whole body shivers.

“And this time,” he said, squeezing one side of my ass so fiercely it made me gasp. “I’ll be the one takingthis.”



“That’s really what he said?” I asked for the third time. “You’re absolutely sure?”

“Aye,” said Connor. “I told you, Hauksson didn’t put the kibosh on the deal — Elliot did. It happened from the jump. He said something about the timing not being right, and he’d get back to him when it was.”

I shook my head. It didn’t make sense.

“And what about Campbell?”

“He didn’t even meet with Campbell,” Connor frowned. He snapped another couple of dry branches in two, then tossed them into the firebox for kindling. “He didn’t go to Marseille or Munich either.”

The more he told me, the more I realized our conversation with Elliot would get ugly. But it was a necessary one. One we were required to have.

“Not tonight,” Connor said, reading my mind. “Let sleeping dogs lie for a day or so, then we’ll sit him down. We’ll make it right.”

He started the fire, and together we stood back to watch the flames. Rubbing his hands together, he turned my way.

“Where’s precious?” he asked. “She was here when the car pulled up. Gave me a big welcome back kiss, then grabbed her keys and took off.”

I shrugged, watching the fire’s hypnotic dance. “She should be back soon. Said something about an errand, I think.”

“I missed her, you know that?” Slowly Connor shook his head. “Missed her tons.”

“More than us?” I teased.

“Way more than you fuckers.”

I laughed. “Good.”