We hadn’t told Connor anything about our trip to the museum, not because we were hiding anything but because we simply hadn’t talked to him. We’d have to tell him about afterwards, though. Or rather, theimportantpart about afterwards.

“You guys have fun?”

“Loads,” I smirked.

“Yeah, well… two can play at that game,” said Connor. “She’s sleeping inmybed tonight.”

I love you…

The words hadn’t just spilled out, like everything else they were calculated in Elliot’s mind. And he’d said them. He’d said them plainly and without fear, like everything else he did in his life.

And damn, he deserved all the credit in the world for saying them first, because I’d been holding back for a long time now. Finally telling her felt utterly amazing, though. Like getting a thousand pound weight off my shoulders. And telling her the way we did, while both beinginsideher?

My God, there couldn’t have been a more perfect moment.

The ride home from Corning had been amazing, as the three of us quietly absorbed the scenery. Other than the normal small talk, no one really said anything. And that’s because none of ushadto say anything, other than the exchanging of secret smiles.

“Hey, look at that! Lucky Charms is back.”

Elliot made the joke while storming into the room and giving our friend an uncharacteristic hug. As he clapped Connor hard on his back, he looked over Elliot’s shoulder at me.

“D—Did he just crack a joke?”

“I think so, yeah,” I laughed. “Not a bad one either.”

Connor pushed backward to look Elliot over, head to toe. “What’d you fucken do to him?”

His expression was comical, like he was trying to determine if his friend had been replaced by a clone. Just then the door opened, and Jordyn stepped into the foyer.

“About time you’re back,” Connor sniffed. “I was about to have to talk to these clowns about—” his eyes went wide with surprise. “You boughtcoffee?”

“Starbucks,” Jordyn confirmed with a smile. She was holding one of those car-trays, fully loaded with four big drinks. One by one she handed them off, and we accepted them gratefully.

Elliot took his first sip and smiled. “What’d we do to deserve this?”

“Special occasion,” Jordyn smiled innocently.

Connor grunted and tipped his cup. “Special fucken occasion is right,” he said. “I left early and flew three thousand miles just to have dinner with you little shits.”

“Or your flight got bumped up and here you are,” I teased, already knowing the truth.

“Doesn’t matter,” said Connor. “I’m here now, so when’re we eatin’?”

“I thought we might go out,” said Jordyn. “The four of us.”

“You did, huh?”

“Yes,” she said, her eyes darting back and forth between each of us. “My treat.”

She looked strangely nervous, but I figured it had to do with Corning. It wasn’t every day two guys confessed their love for you, and you told them you loved them back.

And then there was the issue of Connor. He needed to be told. Leaving him out of something important would’ve been—

“You must’ve grabbed the wrong drinks,” Elliot said abruptly, staring at his cup. “I got one that belonged to someone’s dad.”

He turned the plastic cup outward, to where there was writing on it. In bold black magic marker were the words DAD #2.

“Yeah well I’ve got one also,” said Connor, glancing down, “but I was lucky enough to get the #1 dad.” He chuckled and took another sip of his coffee. “He’s the best, obviously. Like me.”