“Still shitty,” said Aiden. “The rain’s probably not gonna break, so we’re just gonna have to brave it.”

“Well, wecoulddo that…” I said, in a sing-songy voice that lent to the tantalizing promise of a thousand open-ended possibilities.

The guys stood there in silence. When I still said nothing, Elliot raised an eyebrow. “Or?”

I stepped out from behind the bedroom door in a full-on set of jet-black boudoir lingerie, complete with garters, belts, and thigh-high stockings. I wore spiked, cherry-red stiletto heels. Matching red lace gloves, choker, and a red silk thong finished the outfit.

“Or…” I continued, letting the word linger as I smiled wickedly. “You boys could just stay in and make me pregnant.”



They were on me with terrifying speed, like panthers rushing toward prey. The lust was palpable. It was in their eyes, their hands, their fingertips exploring every inch of my body and my outfit. It was in the frantic way they were kissing me all over, dragging their lips up my neck and over my shoulders to take turns drinking from my eager lips.


I’d underestimated how long they’d planned to do this, and how much sexual tension we’d built up over the course of the day. Dinner was forgotten. Everything else dissolved away almost instantly, in the wake of the desperate need we had for each other.

And holy shit, I’d never,everseen the guys likethis.

There were no words this time because none were needed; we all knew how this night would end. I’d fall deep into a dreamless and deliriously satisfying sleep, pumped deliciously full of their seed, nestled snugly between their warm, naked bodies in that king-sized bed.

It was the getting there that would be the fun part.


I groaned, stretching my arms to the ceiling as they kissed me all over. Aiden chewed my shoulder, cupping my lace-covered breasts hotly from behind. In the meantime, Elliot fell to his knees. He grabbed my ass and planted his lips against my exposed stomach, dragging them downward below my naval to where the curve of my panties dipped just above my freshly-primped treasure.

This is going to be fucking legendary.

I knew the outcome before the night even started, but their level of desire right now was beyond measure. My boyswantedme. And hey wanted me in every way possible, mind, body, and soul.

Your boys, huh?

Yes, they were definitely mine. At least for now, for the time being, for however long it took to get me pregnant. I couldn’t worry beyond that because I couldn’t see that far. There were too many variables, too many obstacles that stood in the way of a future for any of us.

And so I’d decided to enjoy the here. The now. The—

“Oh myGod…”

I looked down, and Elliot had his face buried snugly between my thighs. He’d pulled my thong aside and his tongue was already inside me, dragging itself up and down through my already-soaked entrance. The hands holding my ass squeezed hard, fingers flexing, as he literally pulled me further into his hungry mouth.

He’s eating me!

Whatever barriers stood between us before, they seemed to suddenly be gone. Whatever restraint had kept straight-laced Elliot Chase from only utilizing one part of my body was no longer there.

Look at him…

His eyes were half-lidded with pleasure as he enjoyed every second of letting go. He was inhaling me, devouring me. Savoring the taste of me. I slid a hand through his hair and twisted hard, grabbing a thick handful of his luscious dark hair. Then I pulled him further into me, fully aware the act mirrored the strength and force of his palms against my naked ass.

A hand touched my face, and Aiden was tilting my lips toward his. His tongue swirled through my mouth, escalating the passion between us. He was so turned-on his body was practically vibrating. So desperate to be inside me, I could read it in his eyes.

“You guys… should probably… get undressed…”

I cooed the words between kisses, but the truth was Ilovedthem dressed up. They looked so handsome and elegant, so totally dashing in their crisp, button-down shirts and slacks. But it simply wasn’t practical. Not for what we wanted to do to each other over the next several hours.
