“Not totally jealous, no,” Aiden explained. “But… I don’t know. Maybe a little?”

I smiled and shook my head. “No, not even that. I’ve got no reason to be jealous of anything Connor does. Especially with a girl he met here years ago, when he first came—”

“He didn’t meet her here,” Aiden jumped in. “He met her in Dublin.”

For some reason my heart felt heavier. Just a tiny bit, mind you. But definitely heavier.

“That’s true,” Elliot confirmed. “Hefollowedher to the United States, when she announced she was attending college here.”

“Or ‘university’,” Aiden added. “As they would call it.”

I thought about Connor for a moment. I could totally picture him leaving everything he knew behind to chase a girl across the ocean.

“Wow,” I said. “That’s romantic.”

“Oh, Connor’s definitely a true romantic at heart,” replied Aiden. “He might not seem like much, but there’s a sweet little charmer under that tough Irish exterior.

I padded from one window another to look out over a different part of the city. We had a corner suite. A big, beautiful one too.

“So what happened?” I asked finally. “With him and that girl he chased?”

“She’s still around,” Elliot jumped in. “Sort of.”

Aiden shot him a staying glance. Elliot didn’t seem to get the message.

“In what way?” I asked.

“Well she got her degree and went home with it,” Elliot explained matter of factly. “He dated her for a little while, but by the time she shuffled back across the pond Connor was already invested in what we were doing.”

I nodded, letting them know I understood. I still had a lump in my throat, though.

“Are you getting dressed or what?”

I looked down some more, over the rain-soaked city. Was I actually jealous, as Aiden suggested? Or was it just more silliness on my part?

“You’re right of course,” I said, sliding my arms out behind me. The rain looked cold. Wet. Miserable. Nevertheless I stood up. “I should probably get ready.”

I passed into the bedroom part of the suite, which consisted of a single, king-sized bed. That little detail had delighted me earlier. It also made me instantly and spectacularly wet, because it left no question as to what was going to happen.

Connor, in Dublin.

I’d thought it adorable when I’d first heard about it. I just figured he wanted to see his mom.

With some girl he once dated…

That part was fuzzy. I had no reason to believe that’s why he went there, or if he’d even see her at all. After all, it was a long time ago. Lots of things had changed.

Even so, what made me think I had a right to be jealous at all? Connor had a right to his own life. All three of them did. I was just one woman, without a personal claim to any of them.

No, I was here for one reason — and one reason alone. A very noble reason. A verysexyreason…

A reason, I decided, I would enjoy for as long — and as thoroughly — as I possibly could.

Closing the door gently, I stripped down and opened my bag. Then I went through the process of getting dressed… for the night ahead.

“Ummm… how’s the weather?”

By the time I poked my head back out they were standing in the suite’s foyer, all ready to go. Elliot had an umbrella slung over his shoulder. Aiden was holding my coat.