“Yeah, but…”

We walked on, and I took their hands again. Holding the two of them at once might’ve looked a little strange to everyone around, but it felt good. Warm. Right.

Even perfect.

We skipped the gift shop, before Aiden accidentally “broke something serious.” A few moments later we were back outside, making our way to the car in the cold autumn air. The crisp breeze from the morning had turned into an almost winter-wind, chilling us to the bone.

And I couldn’t for the life of me remember what made me stop short in the first place.



“Damn,” Aiden swore. “This rainseriouslysucks.”

Beyond the hotel’s big windows I could see he was right. It was really pouring now. Or what Connor might call ‘pissing down.’ I smiled inwardly, just bringing my Irish lover to mind.

“Anyone heard from Connor?” I asked casually.

“I talked to him yesterday,” Aiden jumped in quickly. “He’s good. The trip went well and he’s looking forward to coming home.”

“I meant today,” I added.

Aiden and Elliot both shook their heads. They were half-dressed, and buttoning their shirts on. Apparently part of my surprise was a night out on the town, with dinner at a fancy restaurant.

“It’s too late now,” Elliot said, twisting on a pair of cufflinks. “Dublin’s five hours ahead of us. By this time of night he’s passed out drunk in whatever bar he ended up in.”

I smiled mechanically, but the truth was I’d missed Connor today. As amazing a time as I had with Aiden and Elliot, it just seemed like something was missing.

And that’s because no matter where we were or what we were doing, the four of us together was always the best time of all.

“Says here the rain should’ve stopped two hours ago,” said Aiden, checking his phone.

“It doesn’t look like it’s going to stop two hours fromnow,” I lamented.

Outside in the darkness, the town of Corning was a bunch of blurred, twinkling lights. By day the place had been gorgeous — the streets and lawns covered with the last of the tree’s autumn leaves. During the short trip back from the museum, we’d seen towering, freshly-raked piles of the most beautiful reds, greens and golds.

“How did Connor end up here anyway?” I asked.

Aiden was a little behind his friend in the getting dressed department. He stopped, mid-button. “He never told you?”


He and Elliot exchanged a look that made me set my hand on my hip.

“Okay, what?” I demanded. “What is it?”

“He came here for a girl.”

Aiden said the words and winced, as if setting a bomb down and walking silently away. It made me laugh.

“And you didn’t tell me because…”

They both remained silent. They also refused to look at me.

“Oh, stop it!” I cried. “You didn’t think it would make mejealous,did you?”

Elliot was tying his tie now, which made me a little bit nervous. Just how fancy was this restaurant, anyway?