He was between my legs again, screwing me slow and deep. But this time around there were ready-to-explode levels of tension in his body language. And there was pleading in his eyes, too.
“Come for me honey,” I cooed back to him softly. “Give to to me.”
I hadn’t even finished the sentence and he was already letting go. Aiden stiffened and I nibbled his ear playfully as he surged into me, emptying everything, all the way to his soul.
And the way his crystal blue eyes melted against mine? Maybe even his soul was at stake, too.
“Fuuuuuuckkkk…” he breathed, when all was said and done.
“You’re not kidding,” I chuckled, glancing down.
Chest to chest, still heaving, we unstuck our bodies. Aiden leaned forward to kiss me one more time before Connor moved in.
I love you.
Did he really just mouth that? His lips seemed to form the words, silently, before he was pulled back and replaced by his friend.
Oh my God.
He smiled a little too, as if that mattered. But he’d definitely said it. I knew those words well enough to make them out, even if they were only formed on his perfect lips.
“Yer a total fucken mess, sunshine.”
Connor chuckled the words as he slid my knees over his shoulders, then sank all the way inside me. The pleasure made me forget everything else, as I bit my lip and inhaled sharply.
“But not nearly as big a mess as you’ll be in two minutes,” he winked down at me, before pumping away.
“And so it was all a bust?” asked Aiden.
Elliot nodded from the opposite chair, where he rested comfortably. He had the fingers of one hand steepled over the side of his face. The other was wrapped around a glass of scotch.
“It just wasn’t what we were looking for,” he said again. “There were too many stipulations. Too many ways for them to maintain control.”
“I thought the idea was givingupsome control?” offered Connor. “After all, we decided that—”
“We decided upon a partnership if itsuitedus,” Elliot cut him off. “Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not rushing headlong into one of the first deals we come across. Not unless it meetsallof our needs.”
We were all still in the living room, relaxing innocently in front of the TV. Talking as casually as if we’d spent the after-dinner portion of our evening trying to decide what movie to watch, instead of engaging in an hour-long bout of debaucherous, three-on-one sex.
You meandeliciousthree-on-one sex.
I sighed and rolled my eyes at my own dumb joke. Yes, the sex had been fantastic. And yes, I was still pumped full of sperm, cuddled up between Aiden and Connor on the middle cushion of the long couch. The fire had died down, but we had a blanket thrown over us. And I was as sated and content as a girl could be.
Elliot on the other hand had taken a shower. He’d washed the dust of his journey — as well as the scent of our combined sex — from his travel-weary body.
“The point is, the meeting just wasn’t a fit,” he said, draining the rest of his glass.
“Which one?” asked Aiden. “Marseille? Munich?”
Elliot said nothing. He only sat there.
“London?” asked Connor. “You at least went to that one, right?”