The resulting silence was awkward. Especially for me, because I had no say in the matter.

“I’m tired.”

Elliot sighed the declaration as he rose from his chair. He kissed me lightly on the forehead, nodded at the others, then disappeared down the hallway, his empty glass dangling from one hand.

“Fuck,” swore Connor.

I snuggled into them, still deliriously happy and comfortable. But I had to know.

“Wanna talk about it?” I asked.

Connor stretched his long arms, then used them to crack his neck left and right. Aiden sighed.

“Well you know we’re trying to transition out of buying and selling, and move the company more toward the investment side of things.”

I nodded wearily. “I know.”

“We’ll still be Triad Realty,” said Connor. “That won’t change. But there’ll be others working that end of things. People we trust.”

“While we get back to basics,” Aiden continued, his voice picking up an edge of excitement.

“And what are the basics?” I asked.

The two of them looked at each other and shrugged. “More along the lines of what we used to do,” said Connor.

“Building, mostly.” said Aiden. “Or at this level, planning and designing. Creating projects for others to invest in, while we retain the capital and manage the GC’s.”

With only my head poked out from the warm, cozy world beneath the blankets, I yawned. “Sounds complicated.”

“It is,” confirmed Connor.

“Maybe not the building part so much,” Aiden shrugged. “But the rest of it…”

“What have you built?” I asked curiously.

Connor looked at Aiden. Aiden smiled excitedly. “You really wanna know?”

“Of course.”

“Then wake up early,” he winked, “and take a ride with me tomorrow.”

We zoned out after that, the three of us watching some reality baking show that was intentionally hilarious. Contestants were tasked with replicating fantastic-looking cookies and cakes, pre-created by master bakers. Then, when their own offerings fell woefully short, hilarity ensued.

“This is almost cruel,” I chuckled halfway through the second episode. “I mean, wouldn’t you feel like—”

I stopped short, realizing both my lovers had fallen fast asleep on either side of me. It was adorable, seeing Aiden passed out peacefully against the arm of the sofa. Connor’s head was lolled backwards instead of sideways, a soft snoring coming from his open mouth.

I was warm and safe sandwiched between them, but my stiff body was at an awkward angle. It took me a full minute to extricate myself without waking them. I felt like a catburglar trying not to trip some silent alarm.


God knew I needed one! But I also loved the idea of having the guys on me.Inme. I could easily be pregnant by now. The thought made me queasy with unbridled excitement.

If I wasn’t, I inevitably would be. A few more nights like this and it was a sure thing.

I passed into the hallway on the way to my rooms, noting the huge temperature difference between the living room and the rest of the house. It was still raining. Still cold. On a whim I stopped, turned around…

… and walked back in the direction of the guys’ hallway, and Elliot’s bedroom.