“If that’s what you want,” Elliot replied, “then of course. We’ll respect that without question.”

I nodded through my next french fry, chewing it slowly. Waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“But if you’d like, you can stay on with us. Be a part of this child’s life. To any extent—”

“I know,” I interrupted him. “You’ve told me already.”

“We mean it Jordyn,” Aiden picked up for him. “We understand if it’s difficult for you, and we know you’re having the child for us. But know that maybe, just maybe, you’ll feel differently after the baby is born.”

“I doubt it,” I said.

A hand closed over mine, and I looked up to find Connor there. He squeezed me gently, and for once there wasn’t a hint of humor in those piecing brown eyes.

“We’ll always be here,” he said, a little choked up. “We’ll always be grateful.”

“I know,” I smiled. The tears were back again. This time I didn’t fight them.

“You can always change your mind. You can always—”

I swallowed hard, and he stopped talking. Something in my expression must’ve told him he was about to go too far. Wisely he backed off.

“Speaking of change,” I said, turning toward Elliot. “Why have you been rejecting the meetings you were supposed to go to?”

It was like my words ended time as we all knew it. Everything and everyone at the table froze instantly, except me.

“H—How did you—”

“C’mon,” I sighed, shaking my head. “Give me a little credit, please. You don’t think I know what’s going on? What Elliot did in Iceland? Where Connorreallywas over the past few days?”

Silence. Dead silence, except for the background hum of a boisterous diner.

“Ilivewith the three of you,” I went on, “or haven’t you noticed? I have eyes. Ears. I know you guys inside and out.”


“You told me you’re trying to restructure things,” I went on. “Make time for the baby. Make room on your schedules. Delegate some of the company tasks — important, time consuming ones — to others within the organization.”

I looked at all three of them in turn, before focusing back upon Elliot. “But also,youwere supposed to meet with investors. You were going to work toward providing investment capital for new projects. Move toward supervising and planning them, rather than the buying and selling end of things.”

“I did,” Elliot said. His gaze dropped. “I mean… Iwas.”

Now it was my turn to hold his hand. I waited until he looked up at me, before speaking again.

“Listen, it’s okay to let go sometimes,” I said. “You can’t control everything. You’ll go out of your mind.”

Elliot’s face turned a shade redder, but only a shade. His expression was one of consideration.

“Not all change sucks, Elliot,” I said. “Just wait until you have this baby. It’s going to open up a new world of love and excitement for you. And no matter how much time you spend with your new son or daughter, you’re going to wish you had more hours in every day.”

The others were watching our exchange, their jaws dropped open in astonishment. Eventually I went back to my french fries. I started eating them again as if nothing happened.

“You boys need to talk more,” I said. “And I’m sure you will. In the meantime though, we should probably address theotherelephant in the room.”

“Other elephant?” Elliot asked curiously.

“Yes,” I replied. “The one that none of you have brought up.”

The three of them looked at each other accusingly, as if one of them knew what I was referring to. None of them did, though.