Confused, I rolled my cup until I could see the writing on my beverage. As DAD #3 came into view, my heart leapt into my throat.
I looked up and found Jordyn was staring back at me. Her expression was beyond strange now, like she was bursting with happiness. Tears were streaming down both cheeks.
“Really?” I gasped.
She nodded once rapidly, then broke down crying. Not, not crying.Bawling.
I rushed her and she met me halfway, throwing her arms out for me. I dropped the coffee and scooped her up, swinging her around in circle after circle as a river of warm tears flowed onto my shoulder.
“What the—”
Elliot figured it out next, throwing us both in a giant bear hug. By the time Connor understood we were already laughing, already crying. Already clutching each other in a big, happy ring, as she pulled out a sleek white pregnancy test and held it before us.
“I knew it!” Connor swore, grabbing the stick. Twoverydistinct vertical lines marked each of the test’s openings. “You can all buy me drinks at the restaurant, lads,” he cried happily, “I knocked our little surrogate up proper for us!”
I hadn’t taken just one pregnancy test, I’d takensix.And yeah, while that might’ve seemed a little bit overkill, considering my life the past few months, everything I did was over the top.
Being late a few days would normally be no big deal for me. But the amount of sex I’d been getting multiple times per day — by three separate lovers, mind you — sent me straight to the bathroom once we arrived home from our museum trip.
The test I took showed a faint positive, so I did what any red-blooded American woman would do. I immediately ran out and bought every different brand pregnancy test there was, just to make sure.
I couldn’t even wait to get back, either. I’d taken them all, right there in the public bathroom of the pharmacy. And as each one showed me what I already knew, my heart soared even higher. I had a perma-smile on my face on the way through Starbucks, knowing how thrilled I was about to make the three most important men in my life.
“Pass me the onion rings, darlin’,” said Connor.
Right now we were celebrating not at a fancy restaurant, but at the best damned diner in town. And not because I was a cheapskate, but because it’s what the guys all wanted.
“You know, there are a lot of things you won’t be able to have over the next nine months,” grinned Aiden.
“Eight and half,” I smiled back at him. “But who’s counting?”
The guys had never been happier. We’d spent the last couple of hours talking about everythingbaby.Up until now the guys had sort of avoided that type of discussion for fear of jinxing things, but now…
Now they dove headlong into it, and it was absolutelyadorable.
We discussed Lamaze classes, birthing coaches, and the choice of hospital itself. Aiden was already looking up nursery furniture, and Elliot had gone off on a planning spree that rivaled anything he’d ever mapped out in his anal-retentive life.
They talked about immediately starting construction on the baby’s new ‘rooms’, because of course there would be a whole nurserywing. It’s just how the guys did things. It was their way. None of it was even the least bit surprising to me by now, having been around them so much.
Secretly I wondered if they chose the diner because it would be less tempting to get a glass of wine. Not that I could anymore, but I could totally see them being sweet enough to sacrifice with me, at least when were out somewhere and I couldn’t partake.
“Okay, serious question,” Elliot said, turning toward me.
He’d been smiling all night. This was the first time he wasn’t.
“Are you sure you won’t reconsider your level of involvement?”
At first I didn’t know what he was talking about. Then his eyes dropped lower, to my belly, and I knew.
“I… I don’t know,” I said, trying my best to be casually dismissive. “This is your baby — the three of you. Not mine.”