And as she drifted off to sleep like an angel in my arms, the warmth of her thousand-degree crotch still planted firmly against my thigh, there was only a single, solitary thought that floated to mind.
I didn’t regretanyof it.
The word finally reached me on the third attempt. It snapped me back to reality — dragging me out of my daydream. I struck the blowpipe and partially missed, skidding my tool off the rounded side. The momentum carried me downward, leaving me off balance.
“Hurry! Before it cools!”
Recovering quickly I hit it again, this time with more force.Toomuch force.
Aw, fuck…
The scene unfolded in my mind before my eyes even reported it to my brain. The tri-color lampshade exploded into a thousand jagged shards, raining down over the concrete floor as my partner’s shoulders slumped in devastation.
“What the—”
“You moved or something!” I said accusingly.
“No I didn’t!”
“Yes you did,” I shot back. “Your hands are sweaty, and you… you shifted.”
“My hands are always sweaty,” he said with a disappointed sigh. “But Ididn’tshift.”
He was right of course. I was fighting it for no good reason, because I knew it all along.
“Sorry Kenny.”
He nodded acceptance, but his expression was sheer misery. He’d been working on that particular piece for over an hour.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked, trying to suppress the frustration in his voice.. “It’s like you’re phoning it in. You’re here but you’re not here.”
“I— I know.”
I was between classes now, and trying to help the locals finish their projects. Kenny was a fellow employee, though. Like me, he was working to fill the case at the front of the store with as many pieces — and as intricate and expensive pieces — as possible.
“If you’re tired, just go home,” he said plainly. “You’re not doing anyone any good right now.”
“Can’t,” I shook my head. “I’ve got another class.”
“Yeah, well it looks like I’m not doing anything right now,” he said, staring forlornly down at the colorful shattered mess. “I’ll take it over if you want.”
“You will?”
Kenny lifted his giant shoulders in the mother of all shrugs. “I’m keeping the tips, though.”
I gave him a big hug, more because I needed a hug, but also because I’d screwed up his piece. It left me covered in sweat but I was already sweaty. The furnace had seen to that.
“You’d better take two showers,” he laughed, as I went to retrieve my coat. “Actually take one for me, too.”
I’d spent the whole day distracted and getting very little done. And that was because no matter what I did, I just couldn’t get last night out of my mind.
In both good and bad ways.