Damn, Jordyn.
On one hand, last night had been unimaginably hot. I’d let my guard down and thrown every ounce of caution to the wind when it came to being in Aiden’s impossibly strong arms. His kisses were absolutely electric. The chemistry between us, totally off the charts. I still couldn’tbelieveI’d gone as far as to get off on him the way I did — but that’s exactly what happened. And afterthatbeautiful, toe-curling, mind-erasing event, there was simply no way I was letting him go without at least returning the favor.
That was bad, though.
No, bad was an understatement. It was worse than bad, especially since I’d woken upwith him still on my couch!We’d fallen blissfully asleep in each other’s arms, which was wholly and completely reckless. If it weren’t for an early alarm set on Aiden’s phone for a workout he’d planned in advance, the others might’ve discovered him slipping out of the chambers at my end of the mansion.
It wasn’t until after I came to work that I actually felt guilty, though. I’d betrayed all three of them, as well as their trust. I’d also done something I’d most certainlywantedto do, and I’d been reckless in the face of Elliot, who apparently respected me very much.
And I, him.
I thought about all these things on the long ride home, and whether or not I could keep myself from doing them again. I realized I would have to. I’d signed on for something much larger than myself, and definitely bigger than fulfilling the singular, selfish act of getting my rocks off.
But damn, that didn’t change the fact that I reallyreallyneeded last night.
Most of all, I wondered what Aiden would say. Whether or not he could keep his cool, and not let what happened change anything between us. Technically, we hadn’t had sex. We’d gotten off on each other, and that was definitely different.
We’d also kissed the way Connor and I already had, except we’d done it fifty times as much. And right under everyone’s noses, too.
By the time I pulled up to the house I was feeling a little better about the whole thing. Maybe I could just blow it off. And maybe Aiden would let it go too, especially since he had the same vested interest in keeping things quiet as I did.
I parked in the pristine garage stall I’d been given and entered the house through the mud room. Even that little area of the house was extravagant. As always, I gawked at the sheer opulence of where I was. Marveled at how I’d gone from rags to riches virtually overnight, even if my situation were only temporary.
The sound of laughter drew me down the hallway, toward the main area of the house. I found Aiden and Connor in their usual late-night spot, sprawled on a pair of couches in the beautifully-cathedraled living chamber. The television was on, but they weren’t watching it. Instead they were talking and drinking, looking over a series of plans and blueprints that had been spread out across the huge, rectangular coffee table.
“Evenin’ sunshine,” Connor smiled, clutching a glass of amber-colored scotch. At night it was his go-to drink, poured from one of the many decanters on the bar behind them. “Need one?”
“Is there wine open?”
He sprang up easily from the couch. “Can be.”
I’d been avoiding Aiden’s gaze so far, but soon realized how stupid that was. Trying my best not to let my voice crack, I turned to him and smiled. “Where’s Elliot?”
“Where do you think?” he smiled back. “Same place as always.”
I glanced toward the office area, where I knew Elliot would probably be working for another hour or two. Then I kicked off my shoes with a gratified sigh, and plopped myself down on the couch.
“Long day?” Aiden asked, without any hint of sarcasm.
I let my eyes flutter closed for a moment. One pop of a cork and the loud splash of a hasty pour later, I felt the stem of a crystal glass being thrust into my hand.
“You’re gunna miss this stuff,” Connor teased, “when you can’t drink for nine months.”
I took a long sip, then let out a contented sigh. “Elliot didn’t want me drinking it even now,” I said. “Until the doctor told him it was okay.”
“Barbarian,” snarled Connor. “That’s what he is.”
“Nah, I get it,” I shrugged. “I wasn’t too sure myself, but apparently it’s okay in moderation.”