I paused, feeling a swell of admiration and respect. In a situation like this, it was my responsibility to tell him to stay out of things. But as one my oldest friends, it was his responsibility to tell me to fuck off. It’s exactly what I would’ve done.

“Tomorrow I’ll figure out what—”

He stopped mid-sentence, as a distinct sound rose over the rain. The slam of a car door. Followed by the sound of a motor, speeding off.

“Oh man,” said Luke, his voice laden with a sinister, hopeful edge. “These assholessurepicked the wrong night to come back…”

We were all poised and ready to spring by the time the door opened. Someone stepped through, wearing a dark-colored hoodie. But when the hood was pulled back, it stopped us all in our tracks.


She dropped her bag at her feet, then unzipped the hoodie and took it off. Shaking the rain from her hair, she regarded us one by one.

“Alright,” she said matter-of-factly. “I’ve got one question for you boys.”

Dead, unyielding silence. If not for the patter of the distant rain, you could hear a pin drop.

“How exactly would we work this?”



They were standing around in the garage, like they were having a meeting or something. I hadn’t expected to find all three of them, but I was glad I did. Especially since the expression on their faces waspriceless.

“H—How would what work?” Warren asked awkwardly.

“Dating me. Together.”

I shook more water from my hair. I’d taken an Uber back from the airport and made good time, but even the act of ducking into the car from the covered awning had nearly soaked me.


“Oh don’t startthat,” I sneered, although my sneer was good-natured for now. “It wasyoursuggestion after all. You had me thinking about it so much I changed my mind on the actual jetway.”

“Jetway?” Luke said mechanically.

“Do you know how much of a pain in the ass that is?” I demanded. “Leaving a flight after you’ve technically checked in? They wanted to detain me indefinitely. As it was, they totallyransackedmy stuff.” I kicked the bag at my feet. “In the end though, I only had a carry-on. If I’d had luggage in the belly of the plane, it would’ve been—”

They hugged me mid-sentence, all three of them at once. I could see the happiness on their faces. The pure joy in their expressions, when only moments before they’d been standing around looking like someone died.

“You really came back?” Warren grinned.

“Uh huh.”

“Forus?”Adrian specified, raising an eyebrow.

“Well I didn’t come back for the weather!” As good as their arms felt around me, I took a step back. “Now tell me, how would this work? If I didn’t have to choose, that is.”

I’d been intrigued by the statement to the point where it was driving me crazy. Would theyreallyshare me? Or was it something they were simply saying to keep me from flying away?

Don’t choose.

Part of me wanted to believe it was somehow possible that I could enjoy all three of them, and not have to let any one of them down. But a different part of me warned it might be a meaningless last-ditch effort. Something to keep me from stepping out of their lives again.

But… you’d need to want it to.

That was the part that turned me around just before I physically stepped onto the plane. Ididwant it too! Somehow I wanted it more than anything. It was the most insane, butterfly-inducing idea that had ever been proposed, possibly to anyone. And yet as crazy as it sounded, there was a very rational part of me that actually considered and craved it.