Adrian nodded in understanding. “So when you took him on as a partner…”

“I stipulated that we had to do repair work. Body work. Any kind of work that would keep us making payroll.” Luke shrugged. “We still do restorations, of course. It’s good money when they go right. But when they’re few and far between…”

I stood up, thoroughly disgusted. Since dropping Kayla at the airport, the whole day had gone to hell. First, she’d gone away crying, which broke all our hearts. The second we got back in the car dark clouds started gathering, almost as if reflecting our moods. The rain started coming down in buckets, and hadn’t let up our whole way home.

And nowthis.

“Come on, let’s get inside.”

We crossed through into the garage, dripping water all over my nice clean floor. It was a pet-peeve I guess I picked up from Tommy. Even though it was an auto shop, he always liked to keep the place immaculate.

“So you started taking work away from this other shop, is that it?” asked Adrian. “They’re mad at a little cross-town competition?”

“We guess so,” I shrugged. “We still don’t have a clue why they’d have it out for us so badly, though.”

At that our friend chuckled. “I might.”

Luke and I stared at each other, thoroughly confused.

“What the hell are you talking abou—”

“Yourname,” he said. “Rival Restorations? It’s like a slap in the face to these guys. A direct challenge.”


“Think about it,” said Adrian. “This place has been Tommy’s forever, but it’s never been a threat to them because Tommy only did vintage stuff. And then you two chuckleheads take over, and shortly afterward you’re doing the same business they are. You’re taking repair work from them, body work too. You’re a direct rival now, and then you go on to name the place something smug that rubs their faces in it.”

“But that’s not why we chose the name at all!” Luke cried. “We called it Rival Restorations because he and I just got past years of fighting.Wewere the rivals.”

“Maybe,” shrugged Adrian. “Buttheydon’t know that.”

There was a moment of silence, as Luke and I exchanged a ‘holy shit’ glance. Adrian leaned back against one of my hulking toolboxes and folded his arms.

“They’ve been stealing our stuff,” Luke told him. “Breaking into our storage containers, walking off with parts, towing entire cars…” He scratched at his chin. “So why let the air out this time? Why not slash our tires, or take the truck entirely?”

“They’re sending a message,” Adrian offered. “Stop screwing with their business, and they’ll stop fucking with yours.”

“Ain’t gonna happen,” I growled. “We’re not doing anything wrong.”

“That’s good to hear,” said Adrian. “Because I would’ve kicked both your asses if you told me you were backing down.”

“So what now?”

Our friend paused for a moment, his eyes going unfocused as he considered something. It was a look we knew well as teenagers. It usually preceded him doing something courageous or stupid, or both.

“Let me talk to them first,” he said simply, “before you do anything else. I’m an outsider. They might not even remember I’m from town at all.”

“I’ll go with you,” Luke offered. “That way—”

“No,” Adrian interrupted. “The moment they see you, it’ll get their haunches up. If I go alone, it’ll be a lot smoother.”

“Can’t let you do that,” I said, shaking my head.

Adrian let out a short laugh. “Why?”

“It’s not your problem.”

“Yeah, well it became my problem when they fucked with my friends.”