I didn’t know whether to be upset or enamored. Offended that they’d do something like this behind my back, or flattered that they’d take my feelings into consideration. It made sense that they hadn’t wanted to chase me, or overwhelm me, or scare me away. In that regard, I respected them.

But they also were giving me very little credit. For one, twenty-seven-year-old Kayla was a lot tougher than the person they remembered. I’d been through alot. And nearly all of it on my own.

“So you really though I’d run, huh?”

Luke and Warren exchanged glances.

“We uh… we weren’t really sure what—”

“That you’d scare me off? That I’d flee North Glade with my tail between my legs?”

I kicked my feet into Adrian’s hands, indicating he should start rubbing again. He did, and the pads of his fingers sent new waves of pleasure surging through my brain.

“You guys all stepped aside, then?” I asked. “One by one, you gave each other a ‘shot’ with me?”

Slowly they nodded, unsure if it was the answer I wanted to hear.

“And did you talk afterward?”

If they were uncomfortable before, my latest question had them squirming in their seats. I knew the answer almost before I asked it.

“So then you know what happened,” I said carefully. “That I slept with all three of you.”

I expected them to balk. To look sheepish or guilty or apologetic. Instead, this time it was Adrian who took the lead. From where he sat at the other end of the couch, his shirt unbuttoned down to the middle of his magnificent chest, he merely nodded.

“Yeah. We know.”

I laughed. I don’t even know why.

“So you guys stepped back and let each other take me out for… what? Atestdrive?”

“It takes two to tango,” Adrian shot back, entirely unfazed. “You weren’t exactly innocent here.”

“Yeah,” smirked Warren. “As excited as we were to see you, none of us was willing to hold back. But when it came to you…”

“You sure as hell didn’t hold back yourself,” Luke answered slyly.

We were at an impasse, everyone in the room. The four of us smirking like a quartet of Cheshire cats, all of us equally guilty.

Or not guilty, as the case may be.

“So what happens now?” I asked, tipping my glass back. The cool liquid slid down my throat as I drained it of everything but ice.

Silence reigned. The music was background noise to the drumming of the rain outside, which had gotten even louder as it began to downpour. The three men I’d been friends with, and then loved, and then slept with, all stared back at me with different expressions. None of them knew exactly what to say.

But one of them at least, knew what todo.


Adrian swept me into his arms with such authority I could do nothing but comply. His strong hands grasped my shoulders, his head tilting slightly as he pulled my lips against his and began kissing me with all the hunger and lust he always did.

Oh my God…

His kisses were deep and slow, soulful and sinful and unspeakably fucking hot. Even more than normal, they made me melt all over. They also set my heart hammering away in my chest.
