Whimpering into his mouth I found myself kissing him back, straddling him with my thighs. My mind spun away, utterly heedless to everything else that was happening. Totally oblivious to everyone else in the room—

—until someone took the glass from my hand, and slid in behind me.

No. Fucking. Way.

Two hands slid down my back, cupping my ass as I instinctively ground down into Adrian’s crotch. They weren’t his hands though. They belonged to someone else entirely.

What the—

A hot mouth closed on my shoulder, also from behind. It churned and swirled, nibbling at the sensitive skin along the nape of my neck. Goosebumps like I’d never experienced in my life exploded down my entire side. It happened in a fast-moving wave, giving me the whole-body shivers.


Alarms went off — alarms that should’ve been loud. Instead, they rang in the hollowed recesses of my mind. Mere echoes of what they should be, as my body ignored them and kept on grinding.

Kayla, what are you—

I shifted forward greedily, sliding my tongue through Adrian’s deliciously hot mouth. He kissed me back while rolling his hips, thrusting upward. Somewhere beneath my dress I could feel it; a giant bulge, the size of a sailing knot. It filled the space between his legs, and just the thought of it set my own mouth watering.


A soft voice accompanied a hand on my face, and suddenly I was kissing someoneelse.Warren had guided my mouth to his, and was sliding his tongue right alongside mine. It felt familiar but not nearly the same.


Another touch, another pair of fingers on my chin and suddenly I was kissing Adrian again. The change was fascinating. I’d never noticed the differences between mouths before, between tongues, between kisses. But changing so quickly, moving from mouth to mouth… it showcased it all. Which lips were softer, which were wider. Which tongue was faster and more intense, and which was slower and more sensual.

A third pair of hands closed over my breasts, and I looked up into Luke’s smoldering grey eyes. He was watching me kiss the others. Slowly kneading my tits through my dress, dragging his thumbs over my nipples without ever breaking eye contact.

I called him closer with my eyes alone, then pulled him in as I broke Adrian’s kiss. Then I was kissing him too, as eagerly as the others. Luke didn’t miss a beat in kissing me back, his strong jawline rotating against mine. With my eyes half-open I could see his expression was one of rapture and arousal, instead of jealousy or envy.

What the hell is going on?

Adrian had his hands on my hips, and Warren was helping him lift my dress to my waist. It freed me up to spread my thighs even further, as he kept grinding his growing hard-on into my thong-covered crotch. I had one man kissing my mouth, another my neck. A third was feeling me up, while I practically gave a lap-dance. My heart was pounding. My panties were soaked…


I couldn’t even tell you who said the word. It could’ve been me for all I know, that’s how disconnected I was from the situation at hand. All I knew was that I’d never been more turned on in my life. That I was floating on a cloud of pure exultation. Hopelessly lost in my own growing arousal, which felt like a freight train barreling down on what was left of my shattered inhibitions.

Strong arms lifted me into the air, taking me from Adrian’s lap. My sex was throbbing now. Aching longingly for its exciting new playmate, from which it had been torn so rudely away.

I didn’t have long to lament the loss. Without another word they carried me through the living area and into the bedroom, as a glint of distant lightning illuminated the row of darkened windows.

Where they deposited me right into the middle of my king-sized bed.



It didn’t seem real until the clothes came off. Until the sound of three leather belts being undone at once jolted me back from fantasy to reality, and three gorgeous men closed in on me from all sides.

No WAY this is happening.

But oh yes, it was happening. It was happening now, and it was happening fast.

Best of all, it was happening tome.

Slacks dropped. Shirts hit the floor. I lay back against the coolness of the soft down comforter, squeezing my thighs together to fight the throbbing in my loins.