“And what about afterward?” Adrian asked.

I shrugged devilishly. “Afterward you get to do what you want to me. My body is yours.”

I turned again, bending at the waist, showing off my assets.

“That’s not what I meant,” Adrian began. “I—”

I straddled him first, shushing him with an outstretched finger. I knew what he meant. But it was for another time.

“Anything and everything…” I whispered softly, grinding myself into his lap. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips right up against his ear. “Nothing’s off limits.”



It was like a dream, going down on them one by one. Serving them from my knees, side by side, as they each occupied their own cushion of the big leather sectional.

I had Warren on my left, Adrian on my right. Luke in the center, gently sifting my hair as I bobbed up and down on his smooth, beautiful manhood. I’d been trading off on them for a while now. Pulling out the slow lick, the sexy wink… every last dirty move in my bag of tricks.

There were no voices of dissension in my head this time. Nothing to tell me what I was doing was crazy or stupid or might end up screwing things up. Our friendships had extended into the bedroom long before I’d returned to North Glade. This was little more than an extension of what we were already doing, and what we’d already done.


Warren moaned as I popped Luke from my mouth, turned, and went straight back down on him. My fist pumped his already slick shaft, clenching and unclenching at exactly the spot he enjoyed. From this position I couldn’t reach Adrian, who was busy stroking himself in anticipation of going next. The sight of his hand gliding up and down was tantalizingly distracting, but I’d take care of him soon enough.

“Damn,” someone groaned.

I’d decided that if I were having one more night like last night, I was going to enjoy every moment to the fullest. For this reason I went slow, savoring the taste and feel of them. I took pictures in my mind — mental images I could emblazon upon my memory, then call up when I was lonely and alone back in Big Sur.

Warren’s cock surged in my mouth, and for a second I thought he might lose it. He pushed me off him at the last minute, clenching the base and ruining his climax. The look on his face was a funny mix of rapture and anguish, followed by a grim determination as he slid to the floor alongside me.

“I can’t take it anymore,” he murmured, more to himself than the others. “I’ve gotta have her.”

I slid down the row again, returning all the way back to Adrian. Kneeling between his lean, powerful thighs, I looked up into his eyes and started licking him like a lollipop.

“Is this what you want?” I teased, moving the tip of my tongue around in circles. With my free hand I cupped his warm, heavy scrotum, rolling the balls around in my palm.

Not waiting for an answer I swallowed him to the root, just as Warren’s hands settled over my hips. I could feel the massive presence of him, kneeling behind me. Pulling my ass upward and outward until I was on all fours instead of just my knees.

Oh God…

Without warning he began fingering me, sliding his whole palm up and down through my dripping entrance. Over and over he did it, just skimming the surface. Penetrating me here and there but only for a second or two, and only an inch inside… until I was squirming and begging and pleading for more.

I stopped sucking Adrian just long enough to gasp backward, over my shoulder


Before I knew what was happening he had his face buried into me from behind. His strong nose pushed into me as his tongue delved even deeper, his fingers spreading my asscheeks apart so he could eat me from behind.


It felt like nothing I’d ever had before, and that was saying something. I’d been with some strong California personalities. Some very sensual and creative big wave surfers; one or two guys that I’d dated from around the shop before implementing my “don’t shit where you eat” policy that came later on.

But right now…

Right now Warren had me intears.I was practically crying with joy, screwing myself so hard against his face I’d almost forgotten all about the guys in front of me. His tongue slid up and down, slathering me with more wetness. And then, along with his fingers, it wentinsideme, too.
