“That’s okay. I’m not hungry.”

We settled into a set of well-worn couches, as Warren lit up some newspaper in the living room’s potbellied stove. Before long a nice little fire was going in the corner of the room. As the flames burned down and embers formed, the iron walls would radiate a nice, cozy heat.

“Your parents had a stove like this, didn’t they?” Luke asked carefully.


“They’re fantastic on cold nights,” Warren noted. “Or when you come in all wet and rained on, you can just—”

“Look, I know what you guys want,” I said abruptly.

Adrian returned from the kitchen, with a set of mismatched bottles of beer. He handed them out, one to each of us. It looked like it was all to be had.

“You still have feelings,” I sighed, continuing, “and I have them too. Feelings for each of you. And I want you to know these feelings are something that’ll always be in my heart. The kind that will never go away.”

They stared back at me wordlessly, as the flames licked higher. The door to the stove was still open. The fire cast a flickering orange glow over their handsome faces.

“You want me to pick,” I said numbly. “Only I can’t pick.”

“Can’t?” Luke asked simply. “Or won’t?”


I bought the bottle to my lips, buying myself a little time as my mind raced to find the right words. I needed to appease them without hurting them. To reconcile things between the four of us while we were all here, before hundreds of miles separated us again.

“I’m never going to come between you again,” I said, looking more pointedly at Warren and Luke. “Not now, not ever. Especially not when you’re partners — more like brothers, really — and getting along better than ever before.”

My eyes flitted to Adrian. He looked strong and stoic, but also somehow vulnerable. For the first time in my life I could see uncertainty in his eyes — tiny chinks in the armor he always wore to protect his feelings. It was an all new look on him.

“What we did was amazing,” I smiled, letting my body relax. “I’ll always remember it. I mean… how could a girl possibly ever forget?”

My nervous laughter was met by Warren’s own warm smile. He nodded over his own beer.

“I don’t think any of us will ever forget.”

“No,”agreed Luke. “Never.”

“And that’s good,” I jumped in. “But it can never happen again. It’s not fair to any of you guys.” Slowly, I lowered my head. “It’s not fair tome.”

Silence, but for the crackle of the fire. The guys were staring off into thin air, not saying anything.

“It can never happen again aftertonight,” I added slyly.

It was a decision I’d made on the ride over, snuggled warmly between them in Luke’s truck. What’s done was done. It couldn’t be undone.

But it could be enjoyed one last time, before I left.

“My flight leaves tomorrow,” I said, as their eyes shifted my way again. “But tonight… tonight’sours,if you want it. Tonight I want to be with you again, even more so than last night.”

I stood up and slowly disrobed, standing before the fire. Piece by piece my clothing fell to the floor. I didn’t stop until I was wholly naked, totally vulnerable.

“You took me last night,” I murmured, as their eyes crawled my fire-kissed body. “In every way a man can take a woman. Only timesthree.”

I turned, giving them a good look at me from every angle. Warren looked dumbstruck, his eyes were glued to my ass. Luke and Adrian shifted in their seats, but otherwise didn’t move.

“Tonight, I want to takeyou,” I told them softly. “Each of you. All of you. If you’re willing, I’m going to take very good care of you boys.” My smile spread slowly as I winked. “I’m going to do things to you that Iknowyou love…”

My heart was thundering out of my chest, and not just from the heat of the fire. Did I really just say all that? And yet I had. I’d rehearsed it almost word for word, on the ride over.