Page 86 of Reckless Covenant

“Don’t make me tap into my roots and smack you, woman!”

“Fine, fine! I’m actually worried I fucked it all up.. I thought it was him. I feel like shit.”

“He didn’t seem upset in the least when we left.” She shrugs. “What was he saying about the day after tomorrow, by the way?”

“About that…”

I settle in and brace myself to tell her what happened at Vincent’s house, some of it anyway, but more importantly… the crazy plan we have.

This should be interesting.

* * *

“He askedme if I would like to go have dinner with him. At his place.” I set my phone on the island.

“Someone’s impatient.” She flashes her eyebrows suggestively. “You gonna go?”

“I don’t want to leave you.” We woke up this morning feeling a bit lighter. We talked, we planned, we talked some more. It’s been a pretty damn good day so far.

A long time has passed since I’ve been able to just be with her, no Luke. And last night she reacted surprisingly well to the plan Vincent and I devised, at least after the initial shock. Apprehensive about it, sure, but, well… I needed that, not her approval necessarily, but she’s my Lu, I needed her to know before I dove headfirst into it. She reacted even better to the dirty little tidbits I shared, like the fucking fantastic sex.

“Oh please. I’ll be fine. Someone from The Sanctum is lurking in the shadows watching over me. And to be honest… I wouldn’t mind a little alone time. I have to get used to it anyway.”

“Are you gonna break while I’m gone? Will I come back and find you crying in that big bathtub of yours?”

“Yeah, tears of joy!” She raises her eyebrow in thatobviousway. “Nah, seriously now, you know me, I might cry a little, get this frustration out, but to be honest, I’m more susceptible to going back to Luke and killing the motherfucker. Now that the shock has passed, the Dietrich part of me is fighting to come to the surface.”

Yeah, I was a little surprised that she stopped Finn from taking it too far down in the basement, but… she does still have her moral compass. Unlike me.

“Go! Seriously! Enjoy that hunky man of yours, and I’m gonna enjoy a bottle of wine on my own.”

“Okay… I will. I’ll let him know to send someone for me. I love you, you know.”

She hugs me and smacks my ass on the way to the bedroom, knowing full well I have to wear some of her clothes, since I have none.

“I know… after all, what’s not to love.”

“Epitome of modesty.” I roll my eyes and laugh.



Iarrived back at Vincent’s house, and I almost skipped on my way up the steps. But I was so fucking apprehensive as well.

Only the man welcomed me with a cheeky smile on his face. No sign of upset, of anger, nothing. Though he is The Serpent, expecting him not to know how to hide his emotions would truly be ridiculous.

“So, did you enjoy your dinner?” he asks as I dab my napkin around my mouth, careful not to smudge the deep red lipstick I’m wearing. I’ve grown used to checking it delicately in the reflection of knives during meals. After all, it is my signature color.

“Delicious. And highly intriguing, which is why I have trouble believing you prepared it.” Oysters were the appetizer, and it was such a delightful surprise. Then, what seemed to be an intricate pasta dish that left me utterly confused. I have no idea how to make that.

“You were there when I finished making it!” He laughs at me, but I don’t miss the way his gaze darkens, like he’s ready to flip me over his knee and spank me into obedience.

“Hey, I only saw you stirring a pot. I don’t know how those ingredients got in there.”

He rolls his eyes and I have to bite my lips. He was the perfect gentleman tonight, but the night is young, and I’m hoping he won’t be such a gentleman after dinner. We’re at the dining table, sitting on opposite sides, unable to touch, barely reaching to cheer our wine glasses. My skin itches for him.

It’s been goddamn hard.