Page 85 of Reckless Covenant

Do I not believe in him?

Because if that is the case, maybe our involvement should end the moment the pact is fulfilled.

“Morrigan…” He speaks first, that deep voice penetrating my soul, a shiver passing through me.

There’s a warmth in him that seems to show only for me, one that exists beyond those straight lips and grave gaze. He didn’t lash out. He didn’t even get angry as I accused him of betraying me to the one man I hate most in this world. He simply waited until he could make it right… Just like he did for all these years, he waited until his friend was safe.

“I think Lulu and I need to go.” I finally speak. The plan will go ahead, but my mind… my heart… I need to get away, get a bit of distance to clear my head. But most of all, I need to be there for Lulu.

“Will I see you the day after tomorrow?” I can just about hear a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Or is it fear? It does something to me.

“Eleven.” I nod, then turn to Maddox. “Will you pick us up about half an hour before, please?”

“As soon as I find out what you’re talking about, sure.”

Oh… they will, all of them, soon enough, and I reckon they’re all going to call us crazy, Lulu in the lead.

* * *

We’re nestlingon her comfy sofa, in what has suddenly become justherapartment, no longer shared with anyone, sipping some hot chamomile tea. It calms the nerves, like her grandma taught her.

Maybe it’s an old wives’ tale, but it does feel like it’s working.

“Not gonna lie, Lu, I’m not even sure what to say… I’m responsible.”

“Why?” She scrunches her eyebrows at me. “Look, the man is clearly insane. I just…” She huffs and rolls her eyes. “There were red flags, I’m not gonna lie. But I ignored them because it was never something too crazy, too deep, or too concerning.”

“I can’t believe he hated me that much.” I never thought anyone could. I’ve never done anything to him.

“Did you ever see anything that could indicate… this?”

“Well… sort of. I knew he didn’t like me pretty much from the start. But it wasn’t me he needed to like, it was you. So I just got over the weird things he sometimes did or said. However, I’ve never seen anything to indicate this level of madness.”

“It’s funny, isn’t it?” She smirks and it’s the first hint of a smile I’ve seen on her face since the club was on fire. “We both ended up with such insane men, obsessive, completely off their rockers.”

I chuckle at the realization.

“I always knew we had similar taste in men, but this is a bit over the top.” It turns into a full belly laugh. I wonder how fucking madIlook right now.

Lu joins me, and we laugh our asses off at the terrible situation we’ve gotten ourselves into. How the fuck did it happen?! One crazier than the other, and here I thought getting involved with The Sanctum was the worst thing I could do.

How fucking wrong I was.

“How do you really feel?” I ask her once we calm down.

“I’m not sure. I think if it was a normal breakup, or at least a normal betrayal, I would have a harder time. But this… it’s so fucking surreal that I have no reason to have a broken heart. I’m just angry.” She finishes her tea and sets the mug on the table. “It was getting rocky with him, you know? It wasn’t the same for me… he was becoming a bit too possessive, a bit too controlling. I don’t know if it was because of the club, but he always wanted to have eyes on me, see where I was, who I was with. And that spark just wasn’t there anymore.”

“I think that in your subconscious you did add two and two together, all those red flags. I’m pissed off it reached this point where he had to burn down our club to fuel his delusion, but I’m glad you’re rid of him.” I’m relieved. I never liked the guy. Not just for her, I just never liked him.

She pulls the throw from the back of the sofa and drapes it over herself.

“What about you, canoodling with a mafia boss?” She winks at me, and I can feel a blush creeping over my cheeks.

“He’s not amafiaboss. Also… I don’t think he’s the boss at all. The Sanctum… it’s peculiar.”

“Honey, you can call it whatever you want, a syndicate, organized crime, it all amounts to the same underworld.” She shakes her head at me and rolls her eyes.

“You should know.” My gaze darkens and she stills for only a moment. The name Dietrich is spoken in hush tones in some parts of this country, and no matter how much she was allowed to do her own thing, Lulu is very much aware of her family’s…heritage.