“Yes?” I answer.
“I’m going to Midnight soon. I can send someone to pick you up if you will feel safer there. The guys are already there.” Vincent’s voice eases me.
“It’s not a good idea. If he’s going to make a move, the last place I should be is at Midnight. And you know this…”
He sighs on the other line. “I do know it… I just can not seem to be able to wrap my head around putting you in harm’s way intentionally. I feel like you’re the bait… and this is a huge mistake.”
“Serpent, it’s unlike you to be… shall I say, insecure?”
“Never!”he scoffs. “Maybe… Fuck.” He pauses long enough that it brings a strange, giddy smile to my lips. “I just got you back, Morrigan. If something happens, if I lose you…”
“Got me back? I don’t think we established anything, dear Sir. You’re getting a bit ahead of yourself there.” I can’t help but laugh, as much as I know I’m full of shit.
“You’re mine, Morrigan O’Rourke. You’re mine whether your mind can wrap around that fact or not. Your soul knows it’s mine, your heart has always been mine, and eventually… you will realize it too. And no matter what, you will still end up here, with your hand on the scar you left on the skin above my heart, and your lips on mine. Maybe then you will realize that I’ve always been yours too…”
A loud bang startles me, and I briefly pull the phone away from my ear, looking confused between it and Lulu, as she pushes away from the countertop and rushes to me.
“Vincent?! Vincent?! Goddamnit, answer me!”
Another sharp bang echoes through the already loud commotion on the other line, and my shouts are relentless as I fucking plead for a reply. Any reply!
“Goddamnit, Serpent!!! Say something!!!”
Then the line goes dead, and the panic sets in.
Deep into my bones, seeping into my marrow.
Flooding my bloodstream.
And when regret joins in… I break.
Never have I ever felt the paralyzing fear that splits me now. I call him over and over again, yet it goes straight to voicemail.
Now I’m shouting from the depths of my lungs at my phone as I wait for Maddox to answer the fucking call, and as I hear a sound that’s just a bit different than the normal ringing, I just start talking.
“Something’s wrong! Go to Vincent! There were two bangs! I couldn’t hear him anymore! Go the fuck now!!!”
“Morrigan, what are you talking about?!” His deep, gravelly voice just doesn’t seem urgent enough!
“Goddamnit, Maddox! I was on the phone with Vincent! It went dead!”
This time, he doesn’t linger. He starts shouting at the group, ordering at whoever else is there with them. Chaos suddenly erupting on this side of the call.
“We’ll send someone for you!”
“I’m okay! Just go to him! Grab everyone, damnit!!!”
Madds hangs up and I pace through the open plan space, back and forth, threading my fingers through my hair as I force myself to cope with this helplessness. Even Lulu has no words for this. She stares at me with a worried gaze, yet I’m not sure if it’s for me or him… or us.
What if…
No, no, no. He’s fine. He is fine!
He’s The—motherfucking—Serpent! He is fine! No one can touch him!
But what if…