I feel the brush of the fabric against my face and when I open my eyes, blinking a couple of times, he’s there—Maddox, his intense honey eyes on me, guiding his impossibly large, condom covered cock inside of me. He’s fucking beautiful.
A small grin tugs at the corner of my lips. It mirrors in his eyes, yet the man still looks feral. And I’m a little scared. And a lot more desperate for more.
“Lift your legs.” His words come across more as growls, and I do as told, settling my weight on my elbows and Vincent’s hands on my waist, as Maddox wraps his hand around my thigh and pulls it to his chest.
He pushes that scary cock of his farther inside of me and I’m not entirely sure if I begin to disassociate, but the fullness… fucking hell… the fullness… the stretch… it’s a bundle of pain, pleasure, torment, and ecstasy. Then he’s all in, and I’m sure he’s rearranged an organ or two on his way there. The feel of both of them inside of me is nothing like what I expected. I can feel them against each other, but I can’t quite understand how.
The moment Maddox begins to move, I don’t care how.
“Jesus Christ…” I moan and he takes that as his cue. They both do, and suddenly they move. Almost at the same time, and my mouth falls open as the strain and euphoria spread like lightning through my body.
Maddox tightens his hold on my leg as his thrusts quicken, on the same rhythm as Vincent’s. The moans that echo through the room are wild, their pace primal. The feel of them almost rubbing against each other is surreal, and so fucking hot.
They thrust harder into me. One grunts, the other one growls, and I’m just the little toy between them taking everything they’ve got. And by God, they have a lot to give.
“I would have never thought…” The man above me speaks through heaving breaths.
“Me neither,” I moan.
I drop my head against Vincent’s shoulder, turning to him. His wicked grin tugs at one corner, and I press my lips to his. Somehow that coaxes them both on and they fuck me harder, thrusting as I almost scream into Vincent’s mouth, but the man dips his tongue in and feeds on each sharp note.
I want this moment to last for days, the euphoria of it, but I can feel those electric threads pulling at me from both ends. I can feel them wrap around my core, around my ass, and I break the kiss, my eyes fixed on Maddox, and the man somehow knows.
He reaches between us, and the moment his fingers begin rubbing against my clit, I shoot up, propping myself up on my hands, closer to the man before me. His head drops, our foreheads almost touching, our gazes so fucking transfixed, the magnitude of this moment too much.
Too fucking much!
“Oh my Gooood!!!”
My cries fill the room as my whole body begins to shake, my pussy and ass convulsing violently around the men that stretch me. Their groans and growls follow my cries, and as Vincent pulls me against his front, Maddox’s grip on my thigh becomes bruising, and they both begin to twitch as they sink deep inside of me.
I don’t know who comes first, but the feel of those jerks against one another while I’m riding this incredible high can’t even be matched by fantasies. I revel in each and every one of them, concentrating on every single pulse, every sensation, every breath, every groan and grunt… I focus on it all, because I know this will never happen again.
I don’t think I would even want it to.
It was goddamn perfect in each and every fucking way!
“Thank you… thank you…” I whisper, heaving.
When I finally open my eyes, the men begin to pull out of me. I look between them, and they both have a mirroring crooked smile on their lips, and I can’t help but laugh.
What the hell just happened?!
The atmosphere today has been peculiar, not because it was strange or bad, but because it wasn’t any of that at all. Vincent’s plan has been set in motion, and somehow the entire day flowed like a strange, beautiful dream. I’m sitting at Lulu’s kitchen island, looking out the window, through the row of buildings, at the sea, wondering when the next step will be.
Ryan is bound to make his move, and since we returned from Vincent’s house, we’ve been on edge. He has made no attempt to contact me. He is still, as far as we know, unaware of my connection to The Sanctum, but he knows I am here, at Lulu’s. I insisted for her to stay away, stay at Vincent’s place, or anywhere else with The Sanctum until it’s all finished, but in true Lulu fashion… she wants to be in the middle of it all. With her friend.
I love her, but she’s just as careless as I am, only in different ways.
It’s the middle of the afternoon, and I’m not sure if it’s in my mind, but it feels as if the world has gone silent. Eerie and disturbing.
Suddenly, my phone rings, vibrating loudly on the marble countertop, startling me almost off the barstool.
“Fuck me…” Lulu rubs her forehead as I shake my head at her. She feels it too…