Chapter 25

Always make sure your big girl panties are firmly secured. ~ Phoebe’s rules for becoming a better person

“Can we go somewhere else to talk?” Ryker asks as he looks around McGraw’s Pub at the uncles who are sitting in their corner booth making no attempt to hide the fact they’re listening.

“I said I would talk to you. I didn’t say I’d talk to you alone.” I lean forward and hiss in his face. “Because, in case you forgot, the last time we were alone, you kidnapped me.”

The uncles cheer from their corner. I roll my eyes at them. What are they cheering for? They were the ones who wanted me to give Ryker a second chance in the first place. And no, I’m not giving him a second chance. I’m giving him a chance to explain because claiming he thought I was a spoiled rich girl is not an explanation.

“Okay.” Ryker gives in.

Um, what? I was gearing up for a fight. I’m not used to men agreeing with me. The men in my life roll right on over me. No, the men in my former life rolled over me. This Phoebe does not get treated like a doormat.

I wait for him to start explaining why we’re here, but he doesn’t speak. He looks happy to sit across from me and gawk at me all night long. Not happening.

“What did you want to talk about?”

He rubs a hand over his face. “I want to apologize.”

Before I can respond, the men in the cheap seats start yelling. “Accept his apology!”

Enough! I’ve had it. I jump to my feet and stomp my way to the uncles. I slam my hands down on the table and lean forward to glare at them.

“Stop it! Stop acting like you care about me. You proved you don’t give the first damn about me when you forced me to listen to my kidnapper days after the kidnapping.”

“Now, Doll—”

I cut Lenny off with a swoosh of my hand. “No. I don’t want to hear it.”

Wally stands and puts his hands on my shoulders. “We were wrong, and we’re sorry.”

My eyes widen. They’re apologizing for being traitors?

“We wanted you to have the full story of what Theodore was capable of, but we went about it the wrong way.”

They’re admitting to a mistake in addition to an apology? This can’t be true. I raise my hand to check his temperature. “Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m fine, and before you ask, I haven’t been abducted by aliens either.”

I shrug. “Alien abduction does seem to be going around.”

“Told you!” Barney shouts. “Aliens are real.”

A smile starts to spread over my face before I can stop it.

“She smiled! We’re off the hook!”

I giggle and take a step back out of Wally’s arms right into a brick wall. Only this brick wall smells like heaven. Ryker. “What are you doing?”

“I’m protecting you. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you again. Not even by your uncles.”

“You’re not my protector.”

He smirks. “Sure, I am.” I shake my head. “Come on, Princess.” He reaches out for my hand. “We have a lot to discuss.”

“You better treat her right,” Lenny orders.

Quick as can be, Ryker shoves me behind him. “No, you better treat her right.” He growls. “I admit I screwed up, royally, but I was only getting to know my princess. She trusted you guys, thought you were her family. You’re not giving her the choice of whether or not to talk to me was a bigger betrayal.”