“How much of a smooth operator is your husband?”

My jaw clenches. When are people going to stop calling Theodore my husband? I know he’s technically my husband, but he isn’t who I choose to marry. And I left him, which makes him my ex.

Hailey holds her hands up. “Sorry. Sorry. Theodore. How much of a smooth operator is Theodore?”

I don’t want to answer. No one has ever believed me before when I talked about Theodore’s sleazy ways. But these two women who are doing a fine job of making me lose control of my temper are supposed to be my friends. Maybe they will believe me? I take a deep breath and take a chance.

“Theodore is a total fake. He has everyone convinced he’s this caring, loving person, but he’s about as caring as a dead fish and the only thing he loves is cold, hard cash. He doesn’t give to charity because he cares about any of the causes. No. Giving to charity is all part of his image. And he certainly doesn’t care about me or anyone else. Well, except for how he can use us to gain more wealth. When will he have enough money? He can’t spend what he has in his lifetime anyway.”

I didn’t mean to rant, but it feels good to be able to talk about Theodore without worrying someone’s going to report back to him. In my previous life, all my so-called friends were on his side. They thought I was deranged, and poor Theodore had to deal with his wife who didn’t live in a reality. Yeah, right. I’ll show you someone who doesn’t live in reality. One clue. His name is Theodore.

“Then, it’s entirely possible someone could believe Theodore when he tells them you’re a spoiled little rich girl?”

I snarl at Hailey. “Don’t you dare take Ryker’s side. Ryker didn’t take Theodore at his word. He met me. He took me out on a date, and he kissed me!”

“About this kiss.” Suzie taps her fingers on the table. “On a scale of one to ten, with ten being instant orgasm and one being slimy fish, how does Ryker rate?” She sighs as she places her elbows on the table and cups her chin in her hands. “The idea that fine piece of man flesh doesn’t know how to kiss hurts.”

I grunt. “He knows how to kiss.”

The man knows entirely too well how to kiss. His lips are soft, such a contradiction of the hard man himself. And his tongue? It performs acrobatics I didn’t know tongues could perform. I get goosebumps merely thinking about his lips on mine.

Suzie points at me and her finger circles my face. “That mushy look you’re currently sporting is why I want you to give him a second chance.”

I snap my teeth at her finger. She is making me crazy. I don’t snap my teeth at people. Or the old Phoebe didn’t. Maybe the new Phoebe does snap her teeth. I narrow my eyes at her. She winks in return, completely uncaring I tried to bite her finger off.

“Isn’t it my choice to give someone a second chance?”

“If someone knows about needing a second chance, it should be you.”

That’s it. I’m taking Suzie down. How dare she? Ms. Won’t Give A Cheater A Second Chance. I lunge across the table.

Hailey pulls me back. “You should at least talk to him. There’s a reason the uncles trust him with your safety, after all.”

This is news to me. “They do?”

“Yeah. They had a big powwow at the pub. Apparently, Ryker laid it all on the line and they agreed he could protect you.”

“How do you know all this?”

“Aiden told me.”

“What else did he tell you?”

She frowns. “Nothing. He wouldn’t tell me why the uncles are giving Ryker a second chance. And trust me, I did everything I could think of to get the information.”

Suzie leans forward. “Oh yeah? Tell us everything. All the deets.”

Hailey blushes. “No.”

Suzie wiggles her brows. “Oh, come on. At least tell us about his schlong.”

“I am not talking to you about my future husband’s penis.”

“Penis sounds clinical. At least use the word dick. Or cock. Yeah, cock is better.”

“Fine!” I throw my arms in the air. I will literally do anything if Suzie will stop saying the word cock in a crowded restaurant. “I’ll talk to him.” Suzie claps and I point at her. “I’m not saying I’ll give him a second chance, but I’ll talk to him.”

I’m sure I’m making the biggest mistake of my life – my marriage included – but I’m a big girl, I can handle talking to the man who crushed my heart. I’m sure I can find some big girl panties in the pile of stuff the uncles dumped in Pops’ apartment. All I need is a pair of big girl panties and I’m all set.