Page 42 of Nightingale

“What man? Oh Hi.” Amber smiled and wiped her hands on her jeans as if she had been doing dishes or something.

The tension he’d not even noticed cutting across his shoulders released. “Hi Amber. I was just wondering if you were busy?”

“Well, Maisie here has a soccer game in about twenty minutes down at the park.” Amber protectively placed her hands on the little girl’s shoulders.

How he’d missed the bright red soccer uniform with shin guards in place had him shaking his head. “Right, obviously.”

“And we’re already running a bit late,” Amber said with a sigh.

“As per usual,” the sassy little girl replied. “Mom, can we go?”

“Yes, Callum, door now,” Amber hollered up the stairs.

The sound of thunder tromped down the stairs and came to a sudden stop at the door. “Mountain!” Callum exclaimed. “Are you coming to Maisie’s game too?”

“What do you think? Something you want to do?” Amber asked him. Her eyebrow lifted and she smiled.

“Sure. I would love to see your game, Maisie.”

“Why? Do you even like soccer?”

“Maisie,” her mother admonished.

“What? Why would he come to my game if he didn’t like soccer?”

“I do like soccer,” he replied. “Plus, you’re a cool kid so why not.”

The familiar loud sound of struggling engine sounded behind him and turned, but couldn’t see which of her neighbors was torturing the choke on their motorcycle.

“He is always working on that bike. I’m not sure who lives there, but he is definitely a noisy neighbor.” Amber walked up beside him. “Being home all day has really opened my ears to the neighborhood.”

The loud bike shut down and the street was once again quiet.

“That is something we hear daily,” he confessed. “With all the bikes at the compound, it is a day to day operation. It doesn’t bother me anymore.”

“Oh that’s right, I forgot about your club.” Amber lifted her hand and shielded her eyes from the sun. “It really doesn’t bother me too much.”

“You all about ready to go?” Mountain wondered if he should volunteer to ride with them or follow on his bike. “Do you want me to ride with you?”

“Sure that would be easier than you following us. I’ve got a roast in the crockpot, maybe after the game you can join us, sound good?”

“That sounds like a great plan.” Mountain was glad she offered.

“Maisie cleats? We need to get you to your game.” Amber swatted her on the butt.

She squealed and ran up the stairs.

“Come on in. She’ll be a couple of minutes then we can go. The park is literally down the street.” Amber waved him inside the house. “I stopped being a cleat hunter in the hopes they find a regular place to land after games. If she’s late and doesn’t start, not on me now.”

He walked into the living room.

She motioned to the couch. “Take a seat.”

“Thanks,” he replied.

Thumps and thuds came from overhead.

He sat down on the couch and watched as she did her mom thing and got the two kids ready to leave. Applying a thick layer of sunblock to Callum to pass the time as she and Maisie exchanged yells about possible hiding places for a left cleat.