Page 41 of Nightingale

“Of what?” she questioned. “What do you do?”

“This and that,” he replied.

“At least, I see you’ve kept the same address for a year. Any chance you’re settling into an actual job? Home? Girlfriend? You wouldn’t get married without us would you?”

“The thought had crossed my mind,” he replied honestly. He couldn’t imagine any of the women he’d been with pulling up to his parents’ home, so he could walk them around the grounds. Even Amber and the kids. Long ago, he chucked off the breeding and world he’d once known. Given away the future laid out for him at an Ivy League school with a corner office promised upon matriculation. All of it so foreign to him, having stepped away more than a decade ago.

“You better not or I’ll hunt you down.”

“I might be more cagey than you give me credit for,” he teased, then glanced at his watch and saw that the kids would be getting off the bus in a bit. “I’ve got a pressing appointment.”

There were buzz words among the Jensen’s ones that guaranteed little to no pushback. The ones their parents drilled into them over the years as important and necessary for common decency and his sister knew them all.

“Any chance I could know what that appointment is about?” she questioned.

“If I’m lucky, handcuffs.”

“Ugh, fine, but know the offer still stands for the holidays. Valter is bringing the kids. You know, the nieces and nephews you’ve never met.”

“The ones he lives with the bastards on the side, because I have a feeling one set is more fun than the other.”


“Why? You don’t.” While he didn’t know for sure his brother had bastards out there, his sister not denying it, told him plenty. His brother hadn’t changed and never would, as the family would put out the picture to the world that they wanted everyone to see. Hiding all the nasty bits in a panic room where they controlled who can and cannot open the door.

After a few more barbs, and him making sure in no uncertain terms that he would be heading east anytime soon, Mountain headed downstairs and stepped outside. The sun still had a good few hours before it was gone completely, maybe they could take the kids to a park or something.

Hopping on his bike, the rumble of the engine pushed away thoughts of New England and his past. The voices and memories that assaulted him weren’t always good, but they weren’t loud enough to bother him as much as before.

Glancing to the porch outside the clubhouse, he saw Onyx with his arms crossed. The enforcer, and former LAPD, had yet to shake the whole protect and serve part from his DNA. Right now, the glare was for a rule Mountain was breaking. One he’d tried his best over the past few weeks to take serious.

Reaching back, Mountain retrieved his helmet and strapped the half shell to his head.

Satisfied, Onyx stepped back in the clubhouse with a shake to of his head.

Mountain headed to Berrington.

Approaching her front door, a case of the nerves set his belly into a tumbling mess. Was it too soon to see her again? They just had a picnic a few days ago? He thought for a moment then turned to leave when the front door opened.

Maisie stood there. “Hello.” Her cute little voice rang out. “We’re out of lemonade.”

“I wasn’t coming for lemonade,” he replied, taking in her sweet smile, with a tooth missing on the bottom and milk maid style braids in her hair.

When her smile turned into a frown and her brow furrowed he found himself about to cower in fear from the four-foot grade schooler running the door. No longer the sweet sales lady telling him they’d run out. Maisie had turned into a bouncer with little to no want for him at her private club. “Then why are you here?”

“I was wondering if your mom is home, little one?” Mountain stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans hoping to avoid appearing to be a threat and encouraging her wrath.

“I’m not little,” she said. “I’m the tallest girl in my class, and I’m taller than all the boys except the ones that were held back.”

Okay, no little comments, it triggers her, mental note taken. “Is your mom home, Maisie?”

“Of course she’s home, I’m only eight. Mom!” Maisie screamed, but didn’t open the door any wider. “There’s a man at the door.”

“Who is it?” Amber’s voice called back.

Mountain could hear her footsteps coming toward the door.

“It’s that guy from the other day.” Maisie must not have remembered his name, then again Callum was the one who he’d connected with more.