‘I do,’ I murmured. ‘But it’s probably worn off now.’ I paused. ‘You could put some on me, if you like.’

He laughed, the sound genuine and deeply sensual, making me want to say something else to get him to do it again. ‘For an inexperienced virgin, you certainly know how to play the seduction game. I’m impressed, Livvy.’ I heard him move and then I could smell his aftershave—cinnamon and masculine musk. Delicious.

The squab on the lounger tilted slightly as I felt him sit on the end of it.

Why was he here? Was this a concession? Had I won?

You don’t want to win; not this game.

Maybe not. But I was tired of him holding all the cards. I wanted some of my own.

I shifted my arm at last.

Val was sitting on the end of the lounger, the bottle of sunscreen in one hand. He was in a black T-shirt today, and worn jeans, and he looked just as delicious as he had the day before. His expression was hungry and he made no effort to hide the desire in his gaze as he swept it down my body, lingering on my breasts and then further down between my legs.

Abruptly, my mouth was as dry as that sandy beach, and it came to me that this little plan had the potential to backfire. I hadn’t realised that in tempting him I could just as easily end up tempting myself.

He lifted the bottle and squeezed some sunscreen into his hand. ‘Turn over, little star. Let me put some of this on your back.’ One black brow lifted. ‘Unless you’d like me to start with your front?’

I should tell him not to touch me, to leave—or, better yet, make him watch me as I put sunscreen on myself. But everything in me was aching for his touch and I couldn’t resist it. And why not, when I enjoyed him touching me?

After all, it wasn’t as if I was going to let him do anything more.

I said nothing, rolling over onto my front.

He shifted and I felt him ease aside my hair so it fell over my shoulder, the strands silky and soft against my skin. He moved closer on the edge of the lounger, the denim of his jeans brushing against my bare hip. The heat of his body was so very near, the familiar warm scent of him making me dizzy.

Are you sure lying here naked was a good idea?

It had been at the time. Now, I wasn’t so sure. All I could think about was why I’d thought surrendering to him had been so very bad. It hadn’t been last night; no, it had been...good.Sogood. Perhaps I didn’t need to get back to Constantine so quickly. He didn’t seem to be looking for me, after all, and a couple more days with Val surely wouldn’t hurt...

And then what? You might not want to leave. You might want to stay here for ever and marry him, the way he told you that you would. You’ll end up giving him everything he wants, become his perfect trophy wife the way your mother was...

No. No, I wasnotgoing to let that happen. I was stronger than that and certainly stronger than my mother. She hadn’t been a diamond. She’d been nothing but marshmallow melting in my father’s hand.

I was different. I wouldn’t allow myself to be any man’s toy or trophy, and especially not for the sake of a little hot sex.

The only things I needed from a man were Constantine’s money and his genetic material, and that was all. Anything else, I’d get myself.

Cool liquid trickled down my spine and then Val’s hands were on me, warm and strong and gentle, moving with long, sensual strokes as he massaged in the sunscreen.

Oh, he was so good at that. My whole body clenched tight with desire, both relaxing and thrilling at the same time, which didn’t make any sense, yet was obviously happening. I wanted to melt into the lounger, or turn over and arch my back, encourage him to touch my hardening nipples and then go lower to touch other more sensitive, more desperate parts of me.

But, no, I had to stay strong.

‘So,’ he murmured, his voice like liquid honey. ‘What’s so very important about marrying Constantine?’

I had my head pillowed on my forearm, trying to pay attention to what he was saying and not the caress of his stroking hands. ‘Dad made some...unfortunate business decisions in the last years of his life and it left the company in a financial hole. So when Constantine offered his help, I accepted.’

‘He offered?’

‘Yes. He’d heard we were in difficulty and came to me with a proposal.’

‘Marriage was part of the proposal?’

There didn’t seem to be any reason not to tell him.
