‘How very medieval of him.’ Val massaged my shoulders deliciously, then stroked down the length of my spine. ‘I didn’t think he was the marrying type.’

I stared into the darkness behind my closed lids, remembering how he’d come to me. And even though I’d prepared myself the shock of seeing him again after all those years had still stolen my breath away. He’d come into my office and for a second all I’d been able to think was,Val. It’s Val.And then reality had asserted itself and, quite unexpectedly, I’d almost burst into tears.

‘He thought it would be beneficial for both of us,’ I said, forcing the memory away. ‘He said it was time he settled down and got married. Produced some heirs.’

Val’s hands paused. Then I felt more cool liquid on my hot skin as he began to smooth it lower over the curve of one buttock.

I shivered, fighting the urge to lift my hips and press into his hand.

‘Ah.’ His voice was utterly neutral. ‘Was that a condition of his financial help?’


Val stroked over my rear, cupping me gently. His fingers curled between my thighs just a little, the tips grazing lightly over my most sensitive flesh.

I bit my lip, struggling not to tremble in reaction.

‘And I assume he won’t just pay the debts?’ Val went on, as if he wasn’t playing havoc with my senses. ‘He’ll want some kind of financial control over the company for a time?’

Why was he asking me these questions? If he’d been watching me all this time, he must have some idea already of what Constantine had offered.

‘Do you genuinely not know?’ I tried to keep the huskiness from my voice. ‘Or are you just trying to manipulate me again?’

He gave a low laugh. ‘And you’re not doing the same thing? Flaunting all this delicious nakedness at me?’

Strangely, that made me want to smile. He was teasing, yet it didn’t feel as if it was at my expense this time, but his own. ‘Perhaps,’ I said. ‘Is it working?’

‘I couldn’t possibly say.’

I felt him draw a small pattern at the small of my back and allowed myself the smile. Yes, it was working.

‘Anyway,’ he went on. ‘Maybe I did know that’s why Constantine was marrying you. I’d still like to know the details, though.’

I relaxed a little. ‘He said he’d manage Wintergreen until the company was solvent. To instil confidence in my leadership, et cetera.’

Val had moved on to massaging sunscreen into my thighs and the backs of my knees, and his touch felt so good, I relaxed a little further.

‘He’ll never give it back to you,’ Val said casually, as if it wasn’tmycompany he was talking about. ‘You know that, don’t you?’

Ah, right. So we were back to Constantine being a psychopath, were we?

‘No, I don’t know that. Why would he keep it? He’s got no reason to.’

‘He’ll want to retain something to hold over your head.’ Val’s hands moved down my calves, making me want to moan in pleasure. ‘It was one of Domingo’s favourite tactics and, like I told you, Constantine has become him.’

I didn’t believe that for a second, but it was interesting that Val believed it so wholeheartedly.

‘Why do you insist on thinking that?’ I asked, biting back a sigh of contentment. ‘Constantine is many things, but he’s not Domingo.’

Val’s stroking hands paused. ‘He’s charmed you already, I see.’

‘Charm?’ I didn’t hold back my scorn. ‘Constantine? Have you met him?’

There was a silence. Then Val said, ‘Turn over for me, little star.’

I stayed where I was. ‘Tell me why you’re so wedded to this psychopath idea and I might.’

Another silence.