Chapter 25


Myemotionswereall over the place. I had to get away from Merivale. Weird as it seemed, I couldn’t face Declan in my work environment. How would I act? Would everyone notice my face flaming? Even before we’d slept together I blushed whenever he was around.

How could I remain blank and unaffected around him?

The morning after, he’d been so tender. This is after hardly sleeping. My lips ached from kissing. His beautiful, fleshy, devouring mouth all over mine as he entered me and made me fly. Nerve endings sparking a blaze that smouldered one day later.

It was nice being in London with a credit card ready for some action. A novel experience for someone who rarely walked into department stores for anything other than essentials.

The only annoying part was my phone breaking down and me having to buy a new one.

We’d been shopping all day, and when Lucy suggested a drink, I jumped at the opportunity to put my feet up.

As it was, she’d extracted more joy from shopping than me. I ended up with two pair of jeans, two shirts, a skirt, pumps, and heels. The heels were a spur-of-the-moment choice. As someone who generally favoured comfort, I don’t know where that came from. Perhaps those Merivale functions and seeing women draped in designer clothes and skyscraper shoes was rubbing off on me.

Lucy plopped our drinks down on the table and sat across from me. “You haven’t told me what it was like,” she said, pushing the bowl of chips into the centre of the table. “And don’t fan your face again. I get it. He’s hot.”

I giggled. “I keep heating up just thinking about it.”

“I bet you do. So did you enjoy it? Having a snake slither all the way in.” A serpentine hand movement followed, which made me laugh. “Well. Did you… come?” she persisted.

I bit my lip and nodded. Despite our close friendship, discussing the sensations I’d experienced felt very personal.

But I also wanted to talk about it. My head had it on loop. Declan holding me while he thrust deeply into me and the look in his eyes when he climaxed. How he called out my name and then wouldn’t let me go all night.

“It hurt, yeah? My first time was horrible,” she said.

“It was very painful, but he was also very gentle with me, and after that he just knew how to position himself inside of me.”

“He found your G spot.” Her voice boomed from excitement. I might as well have admitted to finding a million dollars.

“See, I told you it exists,” said a woman to her boyfriend. She leaned over to us and said, “He thinks it’s a myth like the Loch Ness monster.”

I chuckled, despite my embarrassment.

Leaning into Lucy, I whispered, “Stop telling everyone about my sex life.”

She laughed.

“How often did you do it?”

“I lost count to be honest.” I smiled into my drink as I took a sip.

“Holy shit. He’s either ridiculously virile or popped a little blue pill.”

“He didn’t pop anything. He hardly left my arms.”

“You’ve got him under your spell, then. Nice. So what now?” She dipped a chip into sauce before popping it in her mouth.

I puffed a breath. “Great question. I don’t know. I have to work for his mother and live there at the estate.” I played with my glass. “He made it clear he wasn’t after a relationship. But he also doesn’t want to share me. That really confused me.”

She nodded, mulling over my words. “That’s definitely a contradiction. So has he called you since?”

I shook my head. “Although my phone’s broken.”

“But you called me this morning and it worked.”