“It stopped working after then.” I sighed. “I don’t know how to face him. What to say or do.”

“Just go with the flow, babes.” She opened her hands. “Why are you worried?”

“Because I can barely string an intelligent line around him. That was before we’d gotten together. And now just talking about him revs up my heart palpitations.” I looked her in the face. “What if he just used me?”

She munched on a chip. “Did he keep kissing you?”

My lips curved slowly. “He sure did. My mouth still hurts.”

“There. That’s always a sign he’s into you.”

A couple of attractive men in their early to mid-twenties swaggered over.

Lucy watched them heading our way, “Mm… they’re kinda cute. I like the dark one.”

“Oh, please, Luce. Don’t encourage them. I’m not in the mood.”

“Hey, just because you got to fuck a hot billionaire with a big dick doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun.”

“True. But what about if the other one tries to hit on me? I really don’t need this.”

“I’ll tell them you’re gay.”

Before I could respond to that ridiculous idea, the pair were standing at our booth. “How are you going? Mind if we join you?”

Talk about confident.

“Why not. Only don’t hit on her. She’s into girls.” Lucy said, making me want to scream at her for being so blunt.

The man with red hair settled next me. “Hi. I’m Jamie. We share that in common.” He spoke with a strong Irish accent.

It wasn’t the first time I’d been described as gay. I’d used that as an excuse to stop men hitting on me at pubs. It didn’t always work. They were often intrigued and would ask questions like: What did it feel like to be fucked by rubber instead of a hot-blooded dick?

Jamie was attractive and funny in that amiable Irish manner, making it seem like we’d known each other for ages.

Had I not been so crazy about my boss, I might have even enjoyed flirting.

Flirting me? Since when?

“So did you hear the one about the Irish, Italian, and French man who walked into a bar one day?”

I rolled my eyes. “No. You’re going to tell me though, aren’t you?”

He started to tell his joke when my attention went to the door and in strode Declan.

I kicked Lucy, who’d given her undivided attention to Jamie and his long-winded joke, which was amusing due to how his face animated.

I cocked my head towards Declan, who was heading for our table, and she finally cottoned on just as Jamie finished the punchline and Jeremy his buddy chuckled along, only they’d lost us.

Both Lucy and I were more interested in the man who’d stolen my heart and mind.

I could barely speak, just an embarrassing “Uh” tumbled out of my lips, like I was staring at an alien.

“You’re here,” he said at last.

I nodded slowly.

“Oh my god. You’re Declan Lovechilde. You’re a fucking legend in my house,” Jamie said.