An obsession that started three months ago. I hadn’t stopped thinking about her. My dick hadn’t forgotten either. She’d had a starring role in all my fantasies.

Assaulted by guilt, I was no better than the reprobates she described at that trashy bar. But I couldn’t deny the rush of blood down south. I desired Theadora as I would something rare and supremely sensual.

With those larger-than-usual tits spilling out of her corset, and curvy arse, her image had remained etched in my erotic memory.

I’d even searched the internet to see if she was selling herself. I’d never bought sex before.

In a way, I almost would have preferred knowing she’d worked as a prostitute rather than being a virgin.

What would I do? Undo those popping buttons and rub those full breasts against me? Or taste her until she screamed out my name?

But a virgin?

“They drugged me,” she continued. “And lucky for me, I managed to escape in time. That’s when you found me trying to fight them off, but then the drug must have kicked in because the next thing I remember was waking up on your couch. Thanks for leaving me the clothes. I’ve still got them.” Her lips curled into a shy smile, and my world lit up.

“Keep them. They’re Savanah’s. I figured you’d need something a little more comfortable to wear.” I raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t want to undress you.”

I would have loved to have undressed her, but only with her consent. She didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know how my dick had ached for days after seeing her looking like an erotic version of Sleeping Beauty of my sofa.

A photo I would have paid a fortune for.

Even now, I would have gone on a diet of stale bread and water to have Theadora on my couch in that corset.

Get a fucking grip.This girl has been abused and mistreated by an ugly portion of society—men that deserve to have their balls chopped off.

“That explains why you’ve been staring at me all night,” she said with a hint of a smile. “At least now, I know.” She shook her head in wonder. “Who would have thought? What a small world.” Her face filled with youthful wonder, which made my mouth water for those rosebud lips.

“Are you comfortable here?”

She nodded. “I love it here. It’s amazing. The first time since leaving home, I’ve got my own space.”

“How old are you?” I studied her closely.

“Twenty-four,” she responded, playing with her fingers again.

And you’re still a virgin?

“You left home early?”

“Yes.” Her face turned dark again. I sensed from that change of mood that something or someone had chased her out.

I changed the subject. “I can show you around sometime, if you like.”

My curiosity about Theadora surged. I wanted to get to know her. To dig deeper.