Chapter 9


Ihadn’tslepta wink, thinking about Declan Lovechilde, and how he was that mystery hero. I’d wondered whose couch I’d slept on. I’d even considered visiting his house in Mayfair to thank him, but couldn’t bring myself to face anyone related to that frightening night. Even my rescuer.

I’d even developed a crush on him. My first ever.

Here I was thinking that I couldn’t feel anything. That I was made of stone. An empty vessel. That arousal was some hormone-ravaged teenager hangover for girls living in a fantasy world like Lucy.

My heart raced, thinking of how his beautiful eyes seared through me, electrifying my body by sending a sizzling bolt through me. He’d woken me up sexually. What else could this sudden all-consuming swelling heat be?

Men had always scared me. But with Declan, it was this alien gush of desire that terrified me. Perhaps I was crushing on him because he saved me.

Yes, that was it.

Get a fucking grip.

What would he want with a girl like me, who had nothing to show but a head full of hang-ups? I was like twenty-four going on fifty some days.

In any case, Declan Lovechilde was way out of my league.

Sick of sitting on the bed daydreaming about Declan, I sprung up, got dressed and headed out. It was my day off, and I planned to make the most of it.

I borrowed a bike I’d seen lying about and asked Janet if I could use it. She told me that someone had left it behind and to feel free.

I was about to ride to the village, when Ethan approached me, wearing torn, faded jeans and a green polo shirt.

“Hey, there you are,” he said.

My eyebrows gathered. Why would he be looking for me? “Do you need something?”

He chuckled. “It’s a figure of speech, you know. Like how are you? That kind of thing.”

I gripped the bike handles. “Oh. Right. Okay.”

“So are you off taking in the sights?”

“I thought I might ride down to the village.”

“Justine’s Café makes great coffee and freshly baked scones.”

Just as I was about to respond, Declan strode towards us. Wearing jeans that clung tightly to those muscular legs, he was even hotter in broad daylight. I gulped. In that blue fitted polo it looked like his arms would burst a seam.

My heart skipped a beat, and the threat of a dizzy spell had me leaning on my bike for support.

Declan switched his focus from me to his brother. “What’s happening?”

Ethan grinned. “I’m about to invite our new maid to breakfast.”

“Her name’s Theadora,” Declan said with authority. I could tell he was the one that pulled his younger brother into line.

“So it is. Thea…” Ethan looked at me. “Can I call you that?”

“Yes. I prefer that.” My eyes darted back and forth between the brothers. Sweat started to treacle between my shoulder blades.

“I thought you’d be with Cleo. Didn’t she stay the night?” Ethan asked.

Declan eyes switched from his brother’s to mine. “She did.”