Page 29 of Ask Me To Stay

Chapter 12

Summer 2001


I was awoken to pounding against the door. “Five more minutes,” Russ grumbled as he shifted beside me.

“Ow.” I curled my knees up when he kicked my leg. “Stop moving,” I whined. More pounding. “Hang on!” I shouted as I sat up and searched the darkened room for some shorts.

“Whose idea was it to share a twin bed?” Russ blinked a few times and then stared at me. He had his back against the wall as he laid on his side, and I’d been facing him.

“The only room with a big bed is my parents’ room and I’m not sleeping in their bed.” I made a disgusted face as I stood up. “Put on some pants. I think Aimee’s here.” I smacked the covers before slipping out into the living room. “I’m coming. Hang on!” I called again.

I opened the door just as Aimee was raising her fist to knock again. “Haven’t you done it enough?” She flipped her sunglasses on to the top of her head. “You’ve been alone for three days.”

“It’s early,” I whined. “We were sleeping.” I turned and motioned for her to come in.

“I wanted to spend the day on the beach. Figured we could get a late start.” She looked around as if she was searching for something.

“Can I help you?” I crinkled my brow.

“Where is he?” Her head swung from side to side as she attempted to look in each room.

“He’s straightening out his arms and legs after being folded into a bed made for one.” Russ stretched his arms over his head and rose up on his tip toes.

“Why the fuck did you sleep in there?” Aimee stared at me as if I had two heads.

“Because apparently we can’t sleep in her parents’ bed, but we can sleep in my parents’ bed.” Russ shrugged, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“You’re parents’ bed?” I stalked over and poked him in the chest. “What do you mean your parents’ bed?”

“We’ve been sleeping in the master bedroom at my house. Whose bed did you think it was?” He ran his fingers through his hair. When I frowned, he sighed. “Does this mean I’m in trouble?”

“We’ll discuss it later,” I grumbled under my breath. “Somewhere other than the bedroom.”

“There’s nothing for breakfast here.” Russ stepped back from where he’d been staring into the refrigerator. “We should have stayed at my place. Let’s go.” He motioned with his arm as he slipped a pair of flip flops on. “I’ll cook, you two can catch up.”


“So you two seem good.” Aimee looked around tentatively. We were sitting on the deck at Russ’s house. He was inside cooking waffles, and Aimee and I had mimosas.

“Things are good.” I smiled but then remembered I was leaving tonight.

“What’s wrong?” Aimee leaned closer. “Aren’t you happy?”

“I’m ecstatic,” I offered a sad smile, “but I’m leaving in a few hours to go home to my sad life.” I pouted.

“You’re out of work until the fall. Why don’t you stay here?” Aimee had this look that said I should have thought of this.

“I can’t stay in my parents’ place, and he hasn’t asked me to stay here. Where would I live?” I threw my hands in the air.

At that moment, Russ stepped outside, carrying two plates. “Breakfast is served.” He handed one to me and one to Aimee.

“Will you marry me?” Aimee batted her eyes at Russ and licked her lips as she stared at her plate.

“I think someone might have an issue with that.” He chuckled as he went back inside to grab his own plate.

“This looks so good.” Aimee groaned as she took a bite of waffle. We each had a small stack with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries piled on top with whipped cream.