Page 30 of Ask Me To Stay

“I’m going to need to work out every day after this trip.” I sighed as I stuffed a bite in. Russ came back out and took the seat beside me. “This is really good.” I closed my eyes as I slowly chewed another bite.

“Mmm Hmm,” Russ whispered. I sensed him leaning closer before I felt his tongue lick at the corner of my mouth. “You missed a little,” he clarified as he pointed to his own mouth.

I raised my chin slightly and nodded. “Thanks.”

“You two are disgusting.” Aimee mock shivered from a few feet away.

“Don’t be jealous.” I giggled as she gagged. Russ continued to eat but had this huge smile on his face. “I think we should go down to the beach after breakfast. It’s a beautiful day, and I’m going to really miss the view.” I was staring at Russ as I waited for him to notice that I was looking at him and not the water.

“I’m cool with that.” He nodded, but turned away. Aimee glanced at us, and then shrugged. “Let me go change.” She hopped up and went inside. When we had left my place this morning, Aimee just brought her bag with her. I told her we could hang at Russ’s. He had more space, and more importantly, more food.

“I’ll clean up.” Russ jumped up. “You go on down.” He shooed me away, and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t hurt a little.

“Ok, if, you’re sure?” My forehead wrinkled in confusion. I handed him my plate, and then went inside to change. His whole demeanor had morphed into whatever this was, and I was baffled by it. Didn’t he feel the same about me? Wasn’t my leaving today making him want to spend every moment with me? It hurt that he was acting like this was just any other day.



Six more hours. I had six more hour to convince her that she can’t leave. Watching her laugh with her best friend as we ate breakfast felt like a knife twisting in my heart. I was happy that she was happy, but I was hurt that she didn’t seem to notice how much I wanted her to stay.

I ran the breakfast dishes under the water before loading the dishwasher. Willow and Aimee were already down on the sand. I grabbed a small cooler and packed us some drinks, then changed into my swim trunks. Taco knew what was happening as soon as he saw me change, and he came running into the living room with a tennis ball. “We can take your toy, boy.” I laughed lightly. I took the ball from him and placed it in my beach bag along with a few towels. Taco licked my leg and wagged his tail. At least he seemed to want to be with me. In a last-ditch effort, I grabbed some sunscreen and put together a plan. I was going to make her see that she needed to stay.


“This seat taken?” I stood beside the girls and dropped my bag by the empty beach chair.

“Actually, it is.” Willow shaded her eyes as she looked up at me. “My boyfriend is sitting there.” She clarified. I must have looked shocked. “If you think you can beat him in a fight, you can take the chair.”

“Ok.” I shrugged and sat down. I could deal with banter. I’ve been dealing with this version of Willow since we were kids. “I brought sodas if you two decide that you need refreshment.”

“Soda?” Aimee sat up. “What are we, nine? Where’s the beer?”

“My face can’t take anymore beer.” I pointed to the bruise that was now a yellowish color from when Willow kicked me in the face.

“That was an accident, and you should have ducked,” she growled as she shifted in her chair. “I’m trying to work on my tan, and you two are hindering it.”

“How is us talking affecting your tan?” I scoffed.

“It just is.” She glared at us, and I shook my head as I sat back in my own chair.

“Ok, killer. You work on your tan, and I’ll work on mine.” I laughed and Aimee rolled her eyes.

“You two act like you’re already married or something.”

“Sometimes it feels like it,” I mumbled under my breath.



I don’t know how long we stayed on the beach. I fell asleep, and when I woke up, the tide was coming in. Russ and his chair were missing, and Aimee was quickly packing our stuff. “We need to get going. It’s going to be way past dark when we get home. I have a project I have to finish.”

“Ok, relax.” I yawned as I sat up straighter. “Let me help you. Glad I packed up last night. We just have to grab my bag from the house, and leave.”

“Yeah, leave,” Aimee muttered. “He’s so dumb. I can’t believe he did it.”

“What are you talking about?” I was confused.