Page 34 of Ask Me To Stay

Chapter 14

Summer 2001


I don’t think I’ve slept as solid as I did last night in a long time. When my eyes fluttered open, I was surprised to find Russ still in bed with me. Most mornings he gets up to walk Taco, and then cooks breakfast. Speaking of Taco, he must have been just as tired because he’s still out cold on his bed.

I laid there in Russ’s arms for quite a while, just staring at the wall and letting my mind wander. How had my life changed so much in just a few days? Last week I was commiserating with Aimee about how much of a douche canoe David was. Today, I’m wrapped in the arms of a man who I thought would only ever be a friend.

“Whatcha thinking about?” Russ murmured from behind me. His arm tightened around my middle, pulling me back against his chest. It was rather warm from his sunburn.

“Life.” I snuggled against him. “How’d you know I was awake?”

“Your breathing changed.” He kissed the back of my neck, then my shoulder. I could feel him getting hard behind me.

“You notice my breathing?” I started to turn, but he rested his chin on my shoulder.

“I notice everything,” he whispered. “I know that when you get upset, a wrinkle appears right between your brows. I know that you have a scar on your left knee from when we made those jumping ramps for our bikes the summer after fifth grade. I know that you hate tomatoes, but love ketchup. I know that you tried to lighten your hair with lemon juice when we were twelve and it turned orange. I know that you thought you weren’t pretty because my brother ignored you, but you’re beautiful, Willow. Every part of you is beautiful. I’ve always seen you, and you have always been perfect to me.” I felt the tears coming long before they fell, and I know that Russ sensed what he was doing to me. I turned my head to the side, and his lips met mine in a sweet kiss. It wasn’t the frenzied type that we’d shared the night before, but a slow, sweet melding of our mouths.

I turned so I was facing him, and his hard on was pressing into my lower belly. “I love this sweet side of you, I really do.” I bit my lip. “But, do you remember what we were going to do today?” I reached down and adjusted him because he was poking me. He shuddered under my touch. When I released him, it was as if he suddenly remembered.

“Fucking condoms. We need more.” His eyes closed as a painful look rolled over his features. “Fuck!” He sighed.

“Yeah. We need more if you wanna continue this. I mean, I’m all for this, but I’m not ready for motherhood.” I wagged my finger between us.

“I’m not ready for that either. “I don’t do the raw dog anyway. Casey told me it’s a “wrap it or forget it” kinda thing.” He rolled onto his back and tossed his arm over his eyes.

“Raw dog?” I mimicked his pose. “What does that even mean?”

“No condom. Doing it raw?” He peeked out with one eye and looked at me as if it was obvious. “This is so much easier to talk about with a dude.” He sighed.

“I’m the closest you’re going to get to a dude and still be a girl.” I narrowed my eyes.

He lifted the covers and looked at our naked bodies before looking back at me. “You most certainly aren’t a dude.”

“I would think not after what we’ve been doing.” I laughed. “You’re so weird.”

“And horny.” He groaned. “Uncle Sal naked. Uncle Sal naked. Uncle Sal naked.” He kept repeating the words and staring at the ceiling.

“What are you doing?” I rolled to the side and watched him.

“Making it go away.” He growled as he refused to look at me. “It’s always worked in the past.”

“How often did you do this?” I grinned.

“Every time you were around. When you’re young, you can’t always control how your body reacts around girls. You were around a lot in the summer. I had to learn to control him.”

“You were good at it.” I started to laugh.

“Thanks.” He sat up with his back to me. I watched as he grabbed his shorts off the floor, and pulled a tee over his head.

“Where are you going?” I held the sheets to me as I sat up.

“Corner store. Be back in a few. Don’t get dressed.” He shot me a smirk, and then slipped on his sneakers. “I’m getting my run in, too.”

“I’ll be waiting.” I gave him a finger wave, and then laid back down in the center of the bed.
