Page 35 of Ask Me To Stay

The morning bled into the afternoon, and I finally decided we needed to go out onto the deck. “I think I could stay here forever,” I mused as I sipped water and stared out at the ocean from my perch on the lounger.

“It is a nice view.” Russ sighed. I glanced over to see him staring at me.

“We came out here to take a break.” I laughed.

“You came out here to take a break. I came out to be with you.” His brows lifted as he relaxed beside me.

“Don’t you wonder what it would be like to live here? We could get jobs at one of the shops, and spend our days off lying on the sand. We’d always have amazing tans, and our kids would be the luckiest kids ever.” I smiled as I thought about it.

“I don’t think the beach would be as special if we lived here. The people that are residents are hardly ever down on the sand. It’s the vacationers who truly enjoy the atmosphere.” He pointed to where some kids were playing in the sand. “So, kids huh?”

“Eventually. I’m not in any hurry, but I do want them later.” I watched the little girl run toward the water, and then turn around when the wave crashed, chasing her up on to the beach.

“What’s it like where you live?” Russ yawned.

“There’s a park nearby. Aimee and I hang out there sometimes. She works on design stuff, and I grade papers. It’s nice to get out of the apartment. We’re not far from my parents’ house. When I was younger, we’d go to the park to watch the boys play baseball.” I curled my lip at the memory. That’s where David and I became a couple. “What about you?” I let my head roll in his direction.

“I live really close to the school where I work. It’s a fairly affluent neighborhood. The school is a private school, and I have a condo that’s over a small deli in town. Parking is a pain, but I’m close to everything. Unless the weather is bad, I walk to work most days.”

“That’s nice. I don’t know if I could do private school. So many politics and dealing with parents that think they know better than you.” I sighed.

“There are good days and bad. It’s just like anywhere else. I like it because the classes are small. The school is small in general.” He shrugged.

“That’s nice,” I mused. “What’s the plan for tonight? We eating in, or going out?”

“I’m fine with staying in for the rest of the summer.” Russ chuckled.

“Oh, no. I can’t take that. Eating out it is.” I sat up. “Let’s do something nostalgic tonight.” I grinned as a plan starting forming in my mind. “We’ve been doing all these things and going places that we enjoyed as kids. Let’s add another one to the list.” I clapped happily.

“Ok, I’ll bite. What did you have in mind?” He sat up, matching my position.

“The pier!” I grinned.

“Greasy food and carnival rides?” He laughed. “You got it.”

“Can we play some of those rigged games and you win a prize for me?” I put my hands together and begged.

“You just said they’re rigged.” He rolled his eyes.

“But you’re a grownup now, not a kid. You should be able to figure it out and win me something.” I tossed my hands in the air.

“Only if you do something for me.” He grinned.

“I’m afraid to ask.” I groaned.

“I want you to try that Jacob’s Ladder thing.” He wagged his brows.

“I fall off every time.” I scowled and placed my hands on my hips.

“But you’re a grownup now. You should be able to figure it out, right?” He mocked me.

“Deal.” I held my hand out to him.

“Come on. We need to get changed into something appropriate and hit up an ATM before we go there.” Russ waved for me to go ahead inside.

“Appropriate?” I glanced down at my shorts and back at him.

“You’ve worn those half the time you’ve been here. Time for something different.” He laughed.