Page 16 of Ask Me To Stay

“No.” He shook his head and then hissed at the pain from his nose.

“No? Why?” I whined.

“My face can’t take it.” He chuckled as we rounded the last bend, and the white deck came into view.

“Are you proud of me?” I grinned as Russ held the ice pack to his face. “I did something dumb.” I laughed.

“And I’m never letting you do it again,” Russ grumbled. “Look at where it gets me.”

“I think you’ll live. Wait until morning when those cream boobs are on full display. That was classic. What’s with guys and boobs anyway?”

“They fascinate us. We don’t have them.” He hissed as he moved the ice pack. The bleeding had stopped, and now his face was turning a lovely shade of black and blue.

“Some of you do,” I muttered.

“This guy doesn’t.” He pointed to his chest. “How many men do you know personally with man boobs?”

“My ex had them. He decided he didn’t need to go to the gym after we’d been together for a year. I had to look good, but he said he didn’t need to. Man boobs among other things.” I reached for my empty glass, tipped it back and frowned when only a drop of liquid fell into my mouth.

Russ got up and moved closer. “Keep your feet on the ground, ok?” He sat down beside me. “Your ex sounds like a tool bag and as much as I’d like to talk more tonight, I don’t think you’ll remember it. Why don’t you call Aimee and tell her you’re crashing here? We can talk more tomorrow.” He handed me my flip phone.

“My bed is more comfortable than your couch.” I pouted. “I think you just want to see my underwear.”

“The thought has crossed my mind,” he chuckled, “but I’ll take the couch, and you can have my bed.”

“But you’re hurt.” I pointed to his nose, and almost hit his face.

“Easy, killer. I’ll live as long as you stop swinging body parts at me.”

“I need someone to swing something at me. It’s been a while,” I grumbled as I punched the numbers to Aimee’s phone into mine. Russ went stiff beside me and coughed. “What? We broke up and I’m looking.” I stared up at him and his eyes flared, or maybe they didn’t. I was drunk and my mouth wasn’t listening to my brain. This was Russ. He didn’t like me that way. Never had before, why would now be any different?

“She said to use protection; whatever that means?” I shook my head. In my addled brain, I was making sense and the rest of the world wasn’t. “I’m tired. Where’s the bed?”

Russ led me inside, and pointed me in the direction of his bed. “Goodnight, Willow.”

“Night, hot stuff,” I called over my shoulder. I never would have said that if my damn mouth was actually listening to my head.