Page 17 of Ask Me To Stay

Chapter 7

Summer 2001


When I opened my eyes, it took me a minute to remember where I was. Bits and pieces of the night before starting coming back. I broke Russ’s nose, I think. I called him hot stuff. I covered my face with my hands and groaned. I can’t believe I told him he was hot.

I slowly climbed out of his very comfortable bed, and quietly crept over to the door. I peeked out, and it looked as if the coast was clear. Sandals in hand, I tiptoed to the door. Just as I touched the knob, a deep groan came from the couch. I’d forgotten that he was sleeping there. All the bedrooms in this house, and he picked the couch. Made perfect sense, I guess.

I froze, thinking maybe he was awake. I turned, and crept up behind the couch. I don’t know what I was planning to do. When I peered over the edge, Russ was still asleep. One arm was draped over his eyes; you could see the bruise from where I kicked him peeking out, and the other… the other hand was down his shorts. It was moving as if he was scratching or cupping or something. He groaned again, and my eyes widened. It finally dawned on me what was going on here.

I quietly rushed over to the door, shoes still in my hand, opened it as quickly as I could, and rushed out, letting it slam behind me. It didn’t matter that I probably just woke him up. I needed to get away. I ran to the road, paused long enough to slip on my sandals, and then ran home.


By the time I reached my house, I was panting and sweaty. I was still wearing the sweatshirt from the night before. My makeup was smeared, and my hair was all stringy. I climbed the steps, and paused before opening the door to this time warp of a home. Aimee was perched at the table, drinking coffee.

“That good, huh?” She set the cup down and grinned.

“Good?” I glanced down at myself. “I look like a train wreck.”

“Do you feel better, though? I mean, he seemed like he could rock your world.” She crossed her legs. “Those abs? Girl, did you see the abs?”

“What? We didn’t do that.” My face twisted in disgust.

“But you wanted to?” She looked confused.

“He doesn’t like me like that.” I shook my head as I made my way to the coffee maker to pour myself a cup. “I’m like a sister to him.”

“That is not what his eyes were saying last night. I saw the way he watched you. He was undressing you and grinding all over you all night in his mind.” Her brows bounced as her lips curved.

“Were you at the same cookout as me? That was just Russ being Russ. He’s always been that way.” I brushed her off.

“Then you are BLIND.” She stressed the word.

I shook my head. No way did he like me like that.

“So, what did you do?” She motioned to my appearance.

“Well, we rolled a house, and he did shaving cream artwork on the windows,” I mused. “Just like old times.”

“That made you look like this?” She laughed.

“I fell out of a tree.” I flopped down in a chair across from her. “That was after I kicked him in the face.” I grimaced.

“Now we’re getting to the good stuff.” She rubbed her hands together like we were plotting. “What else?”

“Nothing else. We came back to his place. I called you, and went to bed.” I shrugged. She gave me the eye. “He slept on the couch, Aim. He’s a good guy.”

“A good guy who wants to rock your world.” She leaned back in her chair. “Man, I wish I could stay the rest of the week. If you don’t let him in your pants before I come back on Saturday, I might have to let him in mine.” She stood up, and wandered into the kitchen. “He’s hot Willow, and the fact that you don’t want him makes me wonder why?”

“It’s just weird for me, ok. I’ve known him most of my life. He was my beach friend growing up. I just can’t picture seeing him anywhere but here, and after this morning…”

“What happened this morning?” She leaned around the cabinets, suddenly all concerned.

“He was pleasuring himself; I think.” I shuddered.

“What? You saw this?”