Page 75 of Toeing the Line

ZEKE: I thought we were friends

FAYE: Jesus…

ZEKE: I will answer to that, but it might make things weird around here on the high holy days

FAYE: I will text you the next time I decide to drink a beer with a mutual acquaintance. Happy?

ZEKE: Yes. Now when are we eating pizza?

FAYE: Friday?


* * *

6/8, 1:23 PM

ZEKE: Would you mind if Megan joined us for pizza?

ZEKE: I sort of forgot we made plans to get dinner.

FAYE: Don’t cancel on your woman. We can reschedule.

ZEKE: That’s not what I meant

ZEKE: I can reschedule with her

FAYE: Don’t reschedule on her. I can eat pizza independently.

ZEKE: I’m sorry

ZEKE: I’ll make it up to you

* * *

6/11, 5:51 PM

FAYE: Want to make it up to me?

ZEKE: How?

FAYE: I need a wedding date.

ZEKE: Say no more.

ZEKE: Actually, say some more. Where is it?

FAYE: It’s on a boat


* * *

6/13, 12:45 PM

ZEKE: Just parked. I see a boat. Where U at?

FAYE: Holy cupid. I think I just swooned.