Page 2 of Vicious Kitten

“I… he didn’t give me a choice,” I murmur. “It was either that, or he would expose us. I didn’t want him to do that toyou,Ty. He has a video of us together.”

“Kitten.” Ty shoves Shaun away and steps up, cupping my face. “I don’t fucking care about any evidence he has. All I care about is you and your safety.”

“But… you’ll lose your job. You might get arrested or something.”

“That’s not for you to worry about, Rhys.” Moving into my space, Ty tilts my head up. “I’ve already resigned from my job, Kitten. Effective immediately, as of Thursday just gone. I had to choose because it was never going to work if I didn’t, and I chose you, beautiful.”

“What?” Did I hear him right? “You resigned?”

“Yes, Kitten. That’s where I was last night. At my farewell dinner. I’m sorry I couldn’t take your call. You sounded pretty drunk.”

“You resigned?” Is he being serious right now?

“Yes. I understand that you’re still under age, and I will wait and do the right thing until you turn eighteen and hopefully, you’ll still want me.”

“Ty. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Tears spill over, rolling down my cheeks as I lean into him.

“Well. That’s what I was going to tell you tonight. I needed to get things sorted out first. I’m going to move to Redfield for a bit. Lie low in the house I have there.”

“You have a house in Redfield? You’re moving?” I see it then in my peripheral, and I glance around to confirm. There are packed boxes lining the walls. Some still open. Newspaper on the bench. Books in piles on the floor. “Will I still be able to see you?”

He pulls back, clasping each side of my face as his blue eyes dance between mine. “It probably won’t be as much as we’d like, but yeah, I’ll make sure we can see each other. And once you turn eighteen, maybe it’ll get a little easier since I won’t be breaking any laws.”

“O-ok. April better hurry the fuck up.” I hiss, and he chuckles.

“You turn eighteen in April?”

“Yes. April first.” I study his face for a moment. The faint lines around his eyes and the shadowed facial hair that lines his jaw are a reminder of howmanhe really is. “Are you sure you want me? I’m like 15 years younger than you. Won’t you get sick of me and my brilliant ability to act like a brat?”

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” He brushes his thumb over my lips, his eyes watching the action. “I know there’s an age difference, but you feel right for me.” He leans in, using his thumb to lower my chin, the movement opening my mouth as he presses his lips to mine.

His arms wrap around me, tugging me impossibly close as I hook my legs around him, ignoring the pain in my cheek as I relax into the kiss. It’s one of those real kisses that isn’t all about sex. It’s about love.

The thought makes my heart swell inside my chest, filling me up to feel complete. It’s something I never thought I’d feel and also something I never realised I needed until these five guys came into my life.

“As for the bratty part,” Tyler mumbles as he pecks my lips over and over. “I’ll never tire of that, beautiful.”

“What about four other seventeen-year-old guys? Can you deal with sharing me with them?”

“Hmmm.” He grumbles. “Now that I’m no longer a teacher, does it mean I can slap them around if they piss me off?”

I giggle. “Not too much. But maybe a little.”

“Hey! Did you forget that I’m standing right here?” Shaun hisses, and I giggle as Ty rolls his eyes before turning serious.

“Now time for some more truths because I’m having a lot of trouble looking at you and seeing this bruise forming, and the patches of face paint you weren’t successful at removing. Tell meeverythingthat happened tonight, Kitten. Don’t leave anything out.”

I take in a deep breath, my eyes darting to Shaun momentarily. He nods, encouraging me, so I look back to Ty, hating that I’ve fucked things up so badly.

“Master Hill asked me to come early and go to the back door. When I got there, he took me upstairs to a girl’s bedroom. The things he usually leaves in the barn for me were in there. He left me to get ready, and then I met him and Madam Vik downstairs. I managed to include Shaun’s attendance in my deal, so Cass was there, which made it too hard to focus on being the Feast’s Kitten.” My eyes dart to Shaun, who is leaning against the table, his arms crossed as he listens. “I hated seeing him being touched, and I couldn’t stand anyone touching me. I managed to dodge everyone for a bit, but Master must have been watching me and decided that our hour may as well start, since I wasn’t fucking anyone else.” My eyes fall shut, and I suck in air as the memories swarm me. It’s the gentle brush of Ty’s fingers on my nape that helps ease some of my tension.

“Master took me down to this creepy sex dungeon and made me kneel on the pillow again. Then… he made me crawl to him.”

“Fucking arsehole!” Shaun hisses, and my eyes dart to him. He’s standing by the table now, his hands fisted by his sides. “I’m gonna kill that motherfucker!”

“Get in line, Fuckboy.” Tyler growls, and I shiver at the sheer menace in Ty’s tone.

I force myself to keep speaking, needing to get this out. “After that, he made me stand and bend over the end of the bed. He tried to put a wrist cuff on me… like he did the night of the punishment. I wouldn’t let him. I said Cactus, which he didn’t like, and I admitted I wasn’t going to let him do anything with me tonight. That’s when he reminded me of what would happen if I didn’t submit.” I drop my eyes, squeezing them tight.