Page 3 of Vicious Kitten

“I tried to renegotiate. I tried to reason with him, but he was dead set on destroying me, no matter what. He grabbed me. We struggled. He pushed me down and punched me.” I point to my cheek and finally look back up to Ty. I can tell he’s chewing the inside of his cheek, his eyes swimming with so much emotion that I’m not sure I should continue, yet I know I need to.

“He bound my wrists behind my back. Things got a little hazy in my head for a few moments, but I heard him say that my contract was irrelevant in that room because it’s not part of the Feast. I could feel his fingers between my legs, poking me. Then he told me he was going to take my butt virginity. He… He… put his finger.” I shake my head, squeezing my eyes tight as I fight off the vile memory. “I kind of lost my shit then.” I open my eyes again, tears blurring my vision. “I somehow head-butted him with the back of my head, and he fell to the floor. That’s when I turned around and stomped on his nuts.”

“That’s when I came through the door.” Shaun’s words gain our attention, his steel-grey eyes remaining on me. “Brock busted through after me, but Kitten bared her teeth at him like a vicious lioness and screamed. Man, you should have seen his face. He looked like he was going to piss his pants.” Shaun chuckles, enticing a smile to tug at my lips. “Then Master told Rhys that the deal is off, and now the real fun begins.”

“Shit,” Ty whispers, looking between Shaun and me. “And how did you get here?”

“After we got Kitten’s things from that creepy girl’s bedroom upstairs, we went back to my place, and my brother Derek drove us here.”

Tyler nods and steps back from me before he starts pacing. I look at Shaun. I’m not sure what for… help, maybe? But he just shrugs, not really knowing what to do next.

“When was this deal made with Master Hill?” Tyler turns back to me, his blonde brows raised, waiting for my answer.

“Uh… He messaged me Wednesday, and I went to see him on Thursday night.”

“So, he messaged you? You didn’t go to him first?” Ty frowns, and I shake my head.

“No. He reached out to me.”

Ty sighs. “You didn’t cause this, Kitten. I did.” He shakes his head and rakes his hands through his blonde hair again in frustration.

“What do you mean?” I frown, sneaking a glance at Shaun to see him frowning, too.

“I went to see him on Tuesday.” Ty admits, “He needed to know that what he did at the Feast with you, the humiliation, wasnotok. I may have used my fists to show him how I felt.”

Holy shit. That’s why Ty had a bruise next to his eye last week and why Master is still banged up. And hell… why is the thought of Ty swinging fists so fucking hot?

“Jesus Kitten. Get your head out of the gutter.” Shaun mutters, and I swing wide eyes at him.


Ty chuckles. “You’re easy to read when you’re turned on, Kitten.”

I glance back at Ty, my face heating as I suck my lips in, trying not to smile. He steps back into my space then, his gentle fingers gripping my chin as he hovers his lips over mine. “If I could rid this earth of anyone who has ever harmed you, I would, Kitten, without a second thought.”

His lips press to mine, and I sink into his embrace as he tugs my body flush with his. I could easily forget my worries and get lost in Tyler, but Shaun’s clearing throat reminds us that we aren’t alone, and the reality of the situation comes flooding back.

With a last gentle peck, Ty pulls back and sighs.

“I need to call Master Fuckwit.”

“Do you think it will help?” I look hopefully at Tyler, but he shakes his head.

“Probably not, but it’s worth a try.” He walks across the room to the coffee table that sits centred between a couch and the floating TV on the wall and picks up his phone, tapping something before the sound of ringing fills the room from the phone’s speaker.

“Good evening, Skipper. I’ve been expecting your call.” Master Hill’s voice sends a chill down my spine.

“Kitten has filled me in on your little deal.” Ty hisses, and Master chuckles.

“Oh, there’s no deal now. She’s turned frigid. Such a shame. She had so much potential.”

My face heats at Master's words. I’ve never been called frigid before. It’s an insult used by men to make a woman feel insufficient. To make a woman feel like she has to prove them wrong. I fucking hate that word. How many girls have gone further than they wanted because a guy has usedthatword on them? That word makes me want to go on a dick-severing rampage.

“No one cares what you think, Terence.” Tyler hisses, and Master chuckles.

“They will when they see Fox Pines Catholic’s reputable sports teacher fucking one of his female students. That video footage isn’t even grainy. You can see everything.”

I suck in a sharp breath, and Shaun takes my hand, tugging me off the counter to pull me into his chest. I wrap my arms around him, needing his touch to help me remain grounded.