I turned back toward the woman. "Let them go." I tried to force the power to come to me.

I failed.


"When you agree to accompany me, they will be freed."

"Viva," Dex ground out. "You're mine."

I nodded. "I know." He looked pissed, like a kid whose favourite toy was snatched out of his hand.

"She will be safe with me." The woman held out a hand, palm up to signal her assurance. "No one needs to die today."

Kerina growled again.

I hesitated for only a moment longer before I nodded and slid down from my horse.

"It would seem I have no choice," I said, to myself as much as to anyone.

Double shit.If I didn't go, this wouldn't end well for anyone from the city. Frozen as they were, they couldn't fight back.

I hated feeling powerless more than anything, but I wouldn't have blood on my hands just to save my own ass.

I placed my bow and quiver on the ground, untied my bag from the back of her saddle and swung it over my shoulder.

With a last nod at Dex, I started up the hill.



"Who are you?"the woman asked.

"Like you don't know," I replied. I glanced back down the hill.

Dex rolled his shoulders and raised his hands as one of the brigands moved toward him.

Bain stood nearby, back stiff as stone, face toward Keeper except for a long look in my direction.

"You said they wouldn't be hurt." If they were, all bets were off. I couldn't use my power, but I could use my fists.

"They won't," she said, as though she was talking about a bug. "My people will keep them there until we're safely away. Now, who are you?"

"I'm nobody," I gave Dex and Bain a last look, turned away and walked beside the woman, across the crest of the hill. It stretched out longer than I thought.

"Hardly," the woman snapped. "I am Helene Karman. I am hemitheos. What is your name?"

"Viva Taylor." I frowned as the woman waited. "My Latin is rusty." Okay, nonexistent. "I'm a witch too." For some reason, I sensed using the term might irritate Helene.

I was rewarded with a twitch of the woman's mouth, but that was all.

"You have spent your life denying what you are," Helene stated.

"Denying? No. Being made to feel ashamed, sure. I guess I know why now." I looked directly at Helene, unblinking, unflinching.

To my surprise, Helene laughed, a tinkling sound, but bordering on derisive. "You think you know, but in truth you'll learn soon enough. You'll learn a lot, including the full extent of our power."

"Why would you teach me that?" The hill narrowed and I had to step carefully to avoid falling.