"Because it's easy to defend," Kerina replied. "And because the port is on one of the best bays in the Vault. It's easier to deliver goods there and take it overland to some of the southern towns, than it would be to take it there directly. The dragons in the area make that prohibitively difficult, as well as the lack of a sheltered port."

I nodded. "Has anyone tried to…"

"Hunt the dragons to extinction?" Kerina suggested. "I imagine so. Dex and the Alpha wouldn't allow it. If their ancestors tried, they obviously failed. In a group, it would be difficult to take down more than one or two. Their mate would make you a snack before you readied another arrow."

"I see," I replied. I noted a look of worry on Kerina's face. "You think they tried? That's why that dragon has come so close to the city?"

Kerina shrugged. "That's my theory. Someone has chased them here, or given them no reason to remain in their caves." She sighed softly.

"You don't agree with hunting them either?" I guessed.

"I don't approve of killing for the sake of killing," Kerina replied. "And I don't believe in provoking creatures with sharp teeth and talons. Self preservation—that's another matter. Then, I'll do what has to be done."

Did I imagine the dark look Kerina gave Bain?

"Why would anyone chase them here?" I asked. "Is that a part of whatever Slade might be up to?"

"Possibly," Kerina agreed. "If that's the case, they must be desperate. Otherwise, why tangle with dragons?"

"Yeah." I nodded and glanced around and up a slope. Had I not done that, I would have missed the glint of sun on steel. I squinted.

"I think someone is up—"

The ground rumbled. A couple of dozen large rocks tumbled down the incline toward the horses. Several struck the legs of the lead beasts, causing them to shy and whinny in fear and pain. They backed into the animals behind them.

My mount tossed his head and bared his teeth at Kerina's, which snapped in return.

A dozen men surged to their feet and started down the hill, swords bare in their hands.

"Hold!" Bain shouted.

I didn't mistake the thunderous look Kerina gave him this time. I was as confused at that as I was by his order. Did he mean for us to do nothing? To be killed between these hills, our bones left to bleach in the sun?

Fuck that. It wasn't going to happen. I inhaled deeply from the scent of vanilla and drew on my power.

Nothing happened.

I inhaled again and tried frantically to draw.

Nothing. It was as though I was cut off from my own power.

"And so you learn how little you know." The voice wasn't loud, but it seemed to boom down from the top of the hill.

I turned my face to lock eyes with a woman dressed from head to toe in black. Even without knowing, I understood this was the woman who paid Urla. The woman who wanted to know what I could do.

Another shifter, witch hybrid.How I knew that, I don't know, but I did.

Armed men surrounded the horses.

"They will come to no harm if you come with me," the woman said.

Kerina growled. "Let me go!" She shook her head and snarled. Her hand twitched near her knife, but she didn't pull it.

Couldn'tpull it, I realised. I swivelled in my saddle.

Dex sat with wide eyes and his mouth set in a line.

Bain's face was pink, but he too seemed frozen in place. The look he gave me seemed apologetic. For what? Not acting sooner? No doubt he'd hoped to avoid bloodshed, in spite of the bare blades.