I bit back a laugh and glanced sidelong at Bain. A faint smile graced his lips.

So that was what it took to make him show some emotion. What would it take to make him laugh? Why in the name of any gods did I care?

I told myself I didn't. I just saw him as a challenge, like learning to use a bow. Truthfully, I should be more worried about looking out for myself, rather than worrying about what amused anyone else.

"Go in peace," the priestess said in conclusion. She looked relieved to be done with what she apparently found a boring part of her day.

The worshippers rose. Several didn't bother to hide a yawn.

"Having to sit still is hard," Knox muttered sarcastically.

I rubbed my nose to hide a smile. When he spoke without pretending to stutter, he was certainly more eloquent. He had a pleasant speaking voice, and confidence when it wasn't masked by caution. If he wasn't really a priest, then what was he? Or who?

I itched to ask, but held my tongue. Time would come for that, if Hades allowed. If he didn't, I would have to make it come, but not right now. This place felt like a nest of spiders. Silent, but creepy as fuck.

"Ah, Brother Knox," the priestess approached before they could step out the door. "Have you come to learn how to speak to the worshippers?"

"Sis…ter D…Dolores." Knox gave her a shallow bow. "I wouldn't pre…pres…pres…"

"Presume?" She looked down her nose at him. "Of course you wouldn't. I'm surprised you're entrusted with such important guests." She ignored me, but turned an ingratiating smile to Bain. "Perhaps I could show you around the rest of the temple,brother?"

Bain's eyes quirked slightly. "Thank you, ah, sister." Had he forgotten her name already, or was he pretending? "We have important business we should get to. Thank you for your…hospitality."

Dolores' eyes flashed and she glared daggers at me. She clearly placed the blame for the rejection firmly at my door.

I gave her a dry look in return. At another time, I might have told the other woman to fuck off.

The Vault was nothing if not an exercise in biting my tongue. And making enemies without doing anything, apparently. I almost suggested he stay and humour the priestess while Knox and I talked, but thought better of it.

Dolores seemed like the type to push straight through the door if it was open, even a crack. Not to mention the idea of Bain screwing anyone but me annoyed me for some reason. He was free to do whoever he wanted. And yet…

"Yes," I said finally. "We shouldn't keep the Keeper waiting any longer." I stuck out my chin, faked a haughty look, and swept past the priestess without another glance.

Dolores stepped back and muttered, but I ignored her. This behaviour was probably what they expected of a witch, so I might as well give it to them.

"S…sorry sister." Knox didn't sound sorry at all. If Dolores had a response, I didn't hear it.

"Please excuse us, Brother Knox," Bain said. "I'm sure we'll see you again, Hades willing, but we must get back. It's time for Viva's nap. You know how witches get when they're tired."

I shot him a look. Maybe I should tell him to fuck off instead.

His expression was completely deadpan. I was almost certain he was teasing, but he let nothing show.

"Yes, we're likely to destroy a building or two, just for shits and giggles," I said. I tossed my head and strode toward the front door leading out of the temple. There, let Bain stew on that for a while.

"I hadn't realised you had a sense of humour," Bain remarked as we neared the bikes.

"Who said I was joking?" I accepted help from one of the guards to get into Bain's bike and pushed my helmet onto my head.

"I could toss you in the ocean right now if you like," Bain said. If he was serious at all, I couldn't tell. As usual, his face was as blank as a stone wall.

"I'm sure you would if you could," I retorted.

"Who says I can't?" he asked. "You just threatened the safety of the Vault. For all I know, you meant it. You might do it if you get as bored as you obviously were during the services. Witches aren't known for their patience."

He was right, I was bored, but I wasn't as out of control as he seemed to think. In fact, I was both in control and being controlled. I had no say over much of anything here, apart from my own actions. Even that was limited.

"You're judgmental for someone who agreed I'm part shifter," I said bitterly. "I told you whose side I'm on."