"That could change," he pointed out.

"Not while shithead and shithead junior are still in charge." I couldn't be loyal to them after everything they did to me.

"And if they're not?" Bain asked evenly.

I shrugged. "Then we cross that bridge if it comes. I'm part of both worlds, remember?"

Bain nodded. "And Dex seems to like you."

"I'm likeable," I said modestly.

"Possibly," Bain agreed. "Or maybe Dex is being rash. He's been known to do that once in a while."

Probably more often than that. "Isn't that treason?" I asked.

Bain shrugged. "Perhaps, but he would agree with it."

"I don't understand you," I said without thinking.Speaking of acting rashly.

Bain looked surprised. "What is there to understand?"

"I have no idea," I replied. "Sometimes I think you wouldn't step a toe out of line."

"And other times?"

"Other times I think you're unaware there evenisa line."

"My relationship with the Keeper is complicated." Bain climbed onto the bike and waited until I wound my arms around him. "He's like a brother."

Being so close to Bain made my head spin a little. Maybe we could ride off somewhere and be alone for an hour or three.

I cleared my throat. "A brother with power, who could have you executed if he felt like it?" I suggested.

"Much like your whole Council, I would think," Bain said.

His words hit close to home. In spite of myself, I flinched. "They don't just go around killing people," I said, more defensive than I intended. "If they did, I would be dead." Long since, probably. And forgotten by everyone but my family.

I fixed my eyes on the back of Bain's helmet. "Dex would never actually have you executed, would he?"

"That depends on how obnoxious I am." Bain looked at me over his shoulder, and seemed on the verge of a smile.

"Well, as far as I can tell, you're pretty fucking obnoxious," I replied smartly. "He must be extremely tolerant." I hoped so, because I had my obnoxious moments once in a while. Not often, of course, but occasionally.

Bain snorted. "You might be right there." His eyes snapped forward, toward the street in front of them.

Every nerve in my body was immediately on alert. "What is it?"

He shook his head slowly. "I don't know. Something feels…wrong."

I sniffed the air as surreptitiously as I dared, but all I found was the usual smells of the city.


I inhaled again. Bain was right, something was off. Something weird. Whatever it was, it was familiar, but not enough for me to put my finger on it.

"Try to act naturally," Bain said.

I frowned at him. "I thought I was," I whispered.