"One, maybe," he agreed. "Several, however, might be a problem."

"That's true." I sipped my milk and winced at the taste. "They also found a sarcophagus." I kept my voice polite and conversational. No one had told me I couldn't talk about it. Presumably, most of the people here knew.

"Oh, that is interesting." Knox's eyes were intense now.

"Yes, it's… Something to behold." My tongue darted over my lips. I bit into my roll before my expression gave me away to anyone watching. Hiding my knife and intentions from Bain and Dex was easier than this. I hadn't known Bain could sense my thoughts. If I had, I might have betrayed myself. Here, I was certain Helene knew what I was doing before I did. She couldn't, of course, but the walls here would have ears too.

"I'd quite like to see it," he said casually. "Can you show me?" He smiled and I wondered how anyone ever bought the bumbling priest act. He was good at his job, that was undeniable, but he fit the role of soldier better than a stuttering priest.

I hesitated. "All right." No one had told me I couldn't do that either. If they asked, Knox and I would have to make up some excuse. He was probably faster at doing that than I was, and I was pretty good at bullshitting.

"Finish your milk first." He nodded toward the cup.

"Yes, mother," I replied tartly. I downed the last few drops and grimaced. Perhaps it wasn't too early for wine.

Knox smiled again. "I've been called many things, but never that."

""I'm certain you have," I agreed. "Especially from those who…" I stopped short of saying 'catch you'.

His smile widened. He clearly knew what I hadn't said. "If that ever happened, I would be dead now." He wasn't bragging, just stating a fact.

"True," I conceded. If Helene knew what he was, she would probably toss him out the window and down the side of the mountain without a second thought. She better not find out, especially since I was with him.

"Should you be seen with me?" I asked as we stepped into the dim corridor that led toward Comus's chamber.

"If I avoid you, they may wonder why." Knox nodded to another soldier who walked the other way.

"If it looks like you're singling me out, they may wonder at that too," I reasoned.

"Ah, no. I've sewn the seeds for that." He looked satisfied with himself. "I've talked to the other soldiers about you."

"Oh, you have?" I cocked my head at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. I told them how beautiful you are and how I'd give my left arm to be alone with you." He winked.

My other eyebrow rose. "That's presumptuous," I said.

He chuckled. "It's not wrong, however. You are lovely and here we are, alone."

"Alone among dozens of people who might walk along this corridor at any moment."

"Who, if they see us, will make assumptions. Let them whisper. If nothing else, it will keep others from singling you out."

"Is that likely?" I wasn't sure if I liked that or not. I wasn't used to being noticed, and now it seemed I couldn't take a breath without someone watching.

"More than you might think," he replied. "But most are too intimidated by your power and the Hemathea and her protégé being in your company so often."

"Helene is…"

"Yes, she is," he agreed quickly. "Very much so."

We rounded a corner into yet another empty corridor.

"I'm glad you're here," I said softly.

"It's fortunate Bain was able to reach me in time."

I stopped. "He—what?"