Knox stopped and turned back. "He sent me to see what Helene was up to, and to keep an eye on you. He was worried."

"He handed—" I closed my mouth and started again, my voice low this time. "He handed me over to her."

Knox shook his head. He took my hand and drew me closer. "She gave him no choice, but he planted me here to keep you safe. I'm surprised he hasn't sent an army up here yet."

I didn't know what to think, but he seemed to believe what he said.

"Did Dex know?" The scent of Knox and the feel of his body so close to mine was a heady combination. He was one of the few people I was absolutely sure I could trust.

"I have no idea," he admitted. "I suspect by now he will." He let my hand go and reluctantly stepped away.

I almost spoke again, but then realised why he'd moved away from me. Two soldiers walked up the corridor, carrying a large box between them. All three men exchanged nods before the pair hurried on.

"Come on, we should see this sarcophagus before the day gets too late."

"Right. Helene will want me back soon," I agreed. I was thrown by what he told me, but I had to put it out of my mind. Bain wasn't here, nor was Dex. Whatever they thought of me, Knox and I were alone here. I would focus on learning and readying myself to help Helene and Luther. Where Knox fit into this, I didn't know, but I hadn't lied when I said I was glad he was there.

"It's just up ahead." I gestured toward the stairs and resumed walking.

"Dex might not approve of what we're doing here," I said at a normal volume. "Comus might not allow the Vault to go on as it has."

Knox shrugged, but looked unworried. "The Alpha is strong. He has held the Vault together for this long, he will continue to do so."

"You admire him," I said.

He inclined his head. "Yes, I do. My sister and I all but grew up in his residence. My father trained his horses and my mother worked as his mother's seamstress. The Alpha is a few years older than my sister and me, but we occasionally played ball games together. He teased me like I was a younger brother." He looked wistful. "He still does, although I haven't seen him for the last two years or more."

"Because he sent you away," I said, not unkindly, merely curious.

"He gave me a task. I'm happy to do it." He raised his voice. "And then I met the Hemathea and was honoured to enter her service." He nodded to a serving woman who hurried by without a glance. "We should stick to safer topics."

"Yeah." But I found myself more interested in the one we were discussing. What was it about Dex and his family which evoked such a deep loyalty from those who knew them all their lives? I had experienced the opposite, where the witches were concerned. Friends were few. Most of those who gathered around the Council were there for what they could get for themselves.

"So I presume you're good with horses?" I asked. "Your father taught you?"

Knox responded with a lopsided grimace which suggested otherwise. "Horses and I have an awkward relationship at best. I will ride one if I have to, and they let me iftheyhave to."

"Ah. Yes, I can relate to that." I wasn't the biggest fan of them myself. I preferred the back of the motorcycle like the one Bain rode. I sighed. For a while there, I considered him an ally. Now, I didn't know what to think. I believed Knox when he told me Bain sent him, but I wasn't convinced he knew the full story, or Bain's motives.

"Still safer than trying to ride a dragon," Knox remarked.

I laughed. "Slightly safer, yes. Much less chance of falling a long way and ending up in…"

"The arms of Hades?" he finished for me. "You're questioning your faith?"

I sucked my lip. "Helene says Hades and his sister locked Comus away out of jealousy."

"That would prove Hades's existence," he pointed out.

"Yes, but who was he really?" I frowned. "Or who is he? Surely locking an innocent man away for hundreds of years is an evil act."

"Certainly not a nice one," Knox agreed. "We may get answers when he's freed."

"Yes, we may." I puffed as we reached the top of the steps and moved toward the rear chamber. I led the way inside and waved toward the sarcophagus.

"There it is."

Knox cocked his head and stepped closer. "It appears harmless enough. Old, certainly. The Vault has several ancient ruins with similar carvings. According to the scholars, they date back almost a thousand years. Back to a kingdom which was dead long before the Alpha."